Jack profile picture


Finally got some music recorded...should be online soon.

About Me

*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Jack. No, my real name isn't John.
Date of Birth: 5/20/82
Birthplace: Benton Harlem, MI
Current Location: Kalamazoo, MI
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: black
Height: 6'0"
Heritage: Mostly greman and english, with some injun thrown in
Piercings: nein
Tattoos: ze nein!
Band/Singer: Theres always several bands in contention for my favorite. my favorite singer is either Lawrence Mackory or Devin Townsend.
Song: I don't have any one favorite song. I like differernt songs equally.
Movie: Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the king, steward! How Ian McKellen and Bernard Hill didn't get the Oscars for best Actor and Supporting Actor is beyond me.
Disney Movie: The Incredibles. Great, great movie.
TV show: Futurama
Color: red
Food: beef
Pizza topping: bbq chicken
Ice-Cream Flavor: not big on ice cream
Drink (alcoholic): beerwise, Bells Hopslam or anything by Stone Brewery. Liquor wise, Jack Daniels and Jager.
Soda: Don't drink pop much, but it's gotta be Mountain Dew.
Store: Whichever one has what I'm looking for at the time. Store loyalty is stupid. really.
Clothing Brand: Even more stupid than store loyalty.
Shoe Brand: I think some spoiled socialite made this survey.
Season: I like all of them equally for various reasons.
Month: Months are overrated. People should go back to fortnights, scores and such.
Holiday/Festival: Halloween. Fuck yeah.
Flower: Pansies, since that what I would be if I liked flowers.
Make-Up Item: Corpsepaint
Board game: Scrabble
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Usually I prefer rain.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: One is no better than the other.
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Depends
Love or money: Love doesn't pay my rent.
Phone or in person: person
Looks or personality: Personality is much more important, but you can't be fugly either.
Coffee or tea: tea usually
Hot or cold: cold
Goal for this year: Get my life back on track
Most missed memory: Those I've burned bridges with and hurt through lack of better judgement. You know who you are.
Best physical feature: lately I'm thinking none.
First thought waking up: Let's see what I can screw up today.
Hypothetical personality disorder: I'm kinda sociopathic and manipulative.
Preferred type of plastic surgery: If you're letting someone cut you up to change how you look, you're missing the point.
Sesame street alter ego: Oscar. Definately Oscar.
Fairytale alter ego: Hell if I know
Most stupid remark: Let's just drive around. We won't get caught.
Worst crime: Y ou mean something I have or haven't been caught for?
Greatest ambition: To be as happy as I was a few years ago.
Greatest fear: worthlessness
Darkest secret: If I put it on here that would kinda defeat the purpose.
Favorite subject: English or Geography.
Strangest received gift: A flashlight
Worst habit: That question should be pluralized. I do alot of really stupid things I have no business doing.
Do You:
Smoke: yeah
Drink: Too much
Curse: Sure do. Just yesterday I built this voodoo doll and...ohhhhh, THAT cursing. Fuck you.
Shower daily: Usually. Some days I'm kinda lazy though.
Like thunderstorms: Love them. Best part of Summer.
Dance in the rain: Not dance, but I do stand in it alot.
Sing: Rather well some days.
Play an instrument: Yes, I am Musically Inclined.
Get along with your parents: Eh
Wish on stars: no
Believe in fate: Absolutley not. Who wants to give up control of their live to some unseen force? Oh yeah, sorry Christians.
Believe in love at first sight: Show someone who does, and I'll show you a very unhappy person a few years down the road.
Can You:
Drive: Fuck yeah I can.
Sew: Fuck no I can't.
Cook: Well enough.
Speak another language: Je ne parlias pas francais tres bien.
Dance: Kinda
Sing: Yeah
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nope
Whistle: Not really. It works better for me sucking in.
Curl your tongue: yeah
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Oh yeah
Been Stoned/High: Oh yeah
Eaten Sushi: Oh no
Been in Love: Looking back, I'm not really sure. Some would say that means "no".
Skipped school: No. Wait, yeah.
Made prank calls: oh yeah.
Sent someone a love letter: Yeah. Bet you didn't know that huh?
Stolen something: Yeah
Cried yourself to sleep: No
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Blaring undeniable stupidity. And falseness. I'm not a big fan of cowardice either.
Are you right or left handed? Exclusively left handed.
What is your bedtime? When I'm tired
Name three things you can't live without: Food, water, and oxygen.
What is the color of your room? White and orange (blame the person who was there before).
Do you have any siblings? A sister.
Do you have any pets? Hell yeah, I have the coolest cat ever.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? I'd kill someone I hate for free if I was guaranteed getting away with it. If you truly hate someone, money should be no option.
What is you middle name? Dale
What are you nicknames? Clos, asshole
Are you for or against gay marriage? For it. Marry your fucking horse for all I care.
What are your thoughts on abortion? For it. Abort your fucking horse for all I care.
Do you have a crush on anyone? I don't think being lovelorn counts as a crush.
Are you afraid of the dark? Nah
How do you want to die? As gloriously as possible.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? What a dumb question.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? I'd take a bullet for alot of people.
What is the last law you’ve broken? I break the speed limit every day.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: I prefer brunettes, but whatever.
Eye color: I don't really care, although I know brown is my least favorite.
Height I don't think I could handle a chick taller than me.
Weight Some chunk is alright, but they can't be huge.
Most important physical feature: Eyes.
Biggest turn-off Stupidity, thinking that your shit doesn't stink. Humility is very sexy.
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com

My Interests

I write and play music, play alot of games, get into often pointless debates, drink too much, make fun of people, and covet. And other stuff sometimes.

I'd like to meet:

Fun people who understand sarcasm; A chick who realizes there's more important things than what kind of fucking purse she has or what her social status is.


Metal. And not that whiny ass multicolored hair emo shit, either. I mean real, pure metal. Darkane, Emperor, SYL, Dillinger Escape Plan, Ion Dissonance, Amon Amarth, Nevermore, Between the Buried and Me, Children of Bodom, Exhumed, Dying Fetus, I could go on and on. I like alot of 90's rock like Toadies and The Smashing Pumpkins, and some 60's and 70's prog rock like Yes, Boston and Rush. I'll listen to jazz and classical here and there as well.I don't care for this song much, but the video is really cool.


This isn't comprehensive, but all the LOTR films, all of the Die Hards, both Ghostbusters, Most anything by Kevin Smith, Kingpin, The Shawshank Redemption, all the Star Wars, Akira, Steamboy, Cowboy Bebop: The Movie, The Matrix & select scenes from The Matrix Reloaded, Beerfest, Shaun of the Dead, Pulp Fiction, Freaked, the Bill & Ted Duelogy(?), Dawn of the Dead, Army of Darkness, blahblahblah...


Futurama is the ultimate show, animated or not. I like almost everything else on Adult Swim as well. I should throw in Mythbusters, Top Gear, X-Play, Iron Chef, Semi-Homemade Meals (Sandra Lee is so hot she could burn lava), and some others I'm forgetting.


The Harry Potter books are great, as is most everything from Michael Crichton. 1984 made me hate the word "comrade". The Zombie Survival Guide should be mandatory in schools. I just started reading some Steven King. The Lord of the Rings books were so boring they almost made me want to watch Grey's Anatomy. Almost. The Hobbit is a much better read.


Anyone who does their part to stop the emo movement. this includes anyone who stocks or distributes scissors & shampoo, any clerk who denies the sale of hair dye to a man, and butcher shops.

My Blog

Carving a Mountain...

take a look at this massive undertaking...unbelievable.http://www.crazyhorse.org/
Posted by Jack on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:06:00 PST

All you grand am/grand prix owners...

Just because the name of your car is derived from racing, it doesn't mean it's a fucking race car.  The next time one of you pricks comes flying up behind me on the highway, I'm gonna slam on my ...
Posted by Jack on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 08:08:00 PST