Jerk attack,Drive-thru abortion, Panty mask,War toilets,Shit-stack,Hat on fire,The new racists,Flying shoes,Jet-packs for monkeys,Civilian ball-warmers,Obese olympics,Bowel movements in the dark,Teenage hitler,Iron dildo,Oops,The rape dance,Mongoloid think-tank, Gay guy glances,Nazi for a day,The Unread,The not so great terror,Seventh inning stretch-marks,Scarborough fairy ,Meat bar,Dwarf eat dwarf,Picnic with a gun,Salami shoes,UBERFART,Death on a hot tin roof
MONTY PYTHON- the king!also red dwarf,young ones,masterpiece theater,mst3k,black adder,east enders,
wodehouse,sabatini,dumas,douglas adams,asimov,cs lewis,woody allen,patrick o'brian,charles schulz,glen baxter,jane austen,dickens, herriot,