Peach, Georgia profile picture

Peach, Georgia

Miss Georgia Peach

About Me

Minnesota Girl via Chicago, Philly, B'klyn, NYC, Pittsburgh.
I am playing out with Danny Commando doing my country stuff as Miss Georgia Peach
I have a band called Bluebird that plays in the Twin Cities.
I am in Nikki Corvette and the Stingrays.
Working on mixing more songs my solo country album I recorded with Travis Ramin and members of Nashville Pussy & Nine Pound Hammer, called MISS GEORGIA PEACH. First single out November 6, 2007
I have a record label with Travis Ramin and Natalie Sweet - RAMO RECORDS.
Lead Singer and sometime bass player for The Short Fuses since 1996.
Sang and played guitar in Rhinestone Chassis. Sang and played bass in Speedway. Sang and played guitar in NYC all-girl sensations - my first band! - The Gloo Girls. I have sung and played on many albums and singles, for many labels. If you have any, send 'em to me, cuz I forgot to save one for myself!
I started a Dragon Boat Team in the Twin Cities. See Twin City Dragons below to learn more!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Traveling, Hanging Out, Going Out, Singing & Playing Bass & Guitar, Making Records, Making Out, Dressing Up, Not Getting Dressed At All, Meeting Cool People, Working On Music, DRAGON BOATING

I'd like to meet:

Someone with something original to say. Motivated people who accomplish things. People who like to take risks and try new things. The silly, the goofy and those with a sense of humor.


Most. Here's me playing bass and singing in Belgium with Nikki Corvette and the Stingrays.


Freeway, Spirited Away, Goodfellas, Godfather Trilogy, Dogtown and Z-Boys, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Mad Max, Road Warrior, Blade Runner, Blade I, II & III, Totoro, Overboard, Logan's Run, Tron, What The Bleep Do We Know, Gleaming the Cube


BSG, Buffy, Simpsons, Hawaii Five-O, The Rockford Files, Law & Order, Friday the 13th The Series, Winx Club, Sopranos, Frontier House


Me Talk Pretty One Day, Jane Eyre, Siddhartha, Frank Zappa Autobiography, Life of Pi, X-Men Comics


Nikki Corvette, Rogue, Elvis, Patti Smith, Debbie Harry

My Blog

Good Stuff

So, yeah, it's my friend Joe's 30th birthday tonight - today?- and it was a party to remember and he made a speech just like he said he would and... what's my point? Life can be sweet when it's simple...
Posted by Peach, Georgia on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 01:35:00 PST

Willie Knows Best

Willie Nelson's Peach Cobbler Ice Cream is so damn good I can hardly believe it.
Posted by Peach, Georgia on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 03:49:00 PST

The Little Things...

Things to be grateful for? Sunny day, enough gas in the car to get from point A to point B, baby cucumbers growing on the vines in my garden, food in the cupboard.p.s. really watching Rockford on yout...
Posted by Peach, Georgia on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:28:00 PST

Still Slacking

This in between stuff is no fun! I've been unemployed for less than a week and rediculously busy every day with RAMO RECORDS and Twin City Dragons racing yesterday, but here it is Monday and I feel li...
Posted by Peach, Georgia on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 01:48:00 PST

I Feel Like A Full Time Slacker

OK, so I have actually been busier than when employed full time, but my full time job ended Wednesday, and now it's Friday, and I'm starting to feel like a slacker already! I have been downsized due t...
Posted by Peach, Georgia on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 02:33:00 PST

Holy Hiccups!

Holy Humiliation Hiccups! Seriously, I am lying here in full makeup looking hot and feeling all full of myself except for this one little setback - the white trash hiccups. Now, as a honky I can only ...
Posted by Peach, Georgia on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 11:16:00 PST

Bad Dreams

Know how you go to bed feeling fine and wake up the next day all out of sorts? Makes you want to find out why. I had all sorts of bad dreams and I'm still out of sorts. Send me love?
Posted by Peach, Georgia on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 08:14:00 PST


Wow! HAlfway through a month long tour in Europe and we took a much needed break in NL. Staying at ORKZ for 3 days, we rented bikes and rode out to the countryside and anll around the city. This is a ...
Posted by Peach, Georgia on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:09:00 PST


I am having about the best birthday I can remember. Thanks to all the people who are remembering me! I woke up to a dozen pink long stemmed roses today, and I'll tell ya, it totally worked! It's made ...
Posted by Peach, Georgia on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 03:12:00 PST

Thanksgiving Dish

Well, the catagory is food AND restaurants, but I'm just talking about food. I just finished making my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner and it smells soooooo good! I can't eat any until tomorrow ni...
Posted by Peach, Georgia on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 06:37:00 PST