bovril on bread
bovril on crackers
bovril straight off the knife
bovril in bed
ketamine in bed
I haven't had cod and chips in bed yet but mark my words it's only a matter of time and I can pretty much guarantee that I'll like it.
not so much tramps in bed
I'd like to say figging but it would be a lie- i got as far as testing the ginger on my tongue.
Also: Religious kitsch & Jesus paraphenalia/ Anthony Gormley/ Prep school humour/ Reading/ Famous motorway haulage companies/ Printmaking/ Tubesocks with the coloured stripes/ Cats/ Suspension/ My Huntley & Palmer biscuit tin/ Fairylights/ Tracey Emin/ Men's Ankles/ Cockneys/ Disgusting documentaries/ Portraiture/ Absinthe- the drink & advertsing/ Richard Dadd/ Glow in the dark stuff/ The Seaside/ Visual illusions/ Odilon Redon/ Free parties & squat parties (not London ones)/ Psychological dysfunction and it's effect on art/ Hammer Horror, bad B-movies and good grindhouse/ Marc Chagall/ The phrase "Get your rrrat out"/ Aung San Suu Kyi/ Torture Garden/ Other people's tattoos/ Edinburgh fiction/ Dreadlocks/ Verlinde/ Home grown lettuce/ Buddha dharma & Mindfulness/ Naughty glints in eyes/ Taranfuckingtino/ Dressing up/ Roman Dirge....
Lewisk he's totally ireeeeeeeeeeene.. If he sees me in a club, bottle full of bud I hope he comes gives me a hug...
-Take it sleazy now.
and music at gay bars. Music to get bummed to. yes. you can be the bitch now.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Good ones. Gangster ones. British gangster ones. Japanese gangster ones.
I saw Beavis and Butthead the other day and to be fair I thought it was fucking hilarious. I felt immense mirth. Mirthful I was.
Anything that I can shout at- in fact most of it. Especially Loose Women, I've never seen a bunch of sadder, more washed up, intellectually retarded- nay, crippled, slags. Loose Women? You said it. Utter fuckbags If those aren't four faces you want to stomp on, I don't know what are. Thank god Claire Sweeny has finally had the good grace to bugger off from that and 60 minute makeover. Her Lionel Ritchie teeth put me off not just my breakfast but my entire life.
Books are one of my favourite ever inventions. I do like to get my read on a whole lot. I'm not one of those people like my old man, who seems to think they're sacred objects though. Truss- they're not made out of magic and spider's webs and you're not going to hell because you got a bit of choc-ice on your Chuck Palahnuik or dropped your Irvine Welsh in the bath. Yup, I'm a page folder.
Mind you, having said that, if you got choc-ice on one of my Viz's I'd probably frown at you a bit.
I feel quite pissed off that my favourite authors are so predictable. Welsh, Palahniuk and Thompson- what a cliche, Not much I can do about that though really.
Anyone (except Luke) who can truly say "I've done things I'm not proud of, and the things I am proud of are disgusting". Sheila Gallagher, The Spaulding family, Papa Lazarou and Jon Snow.