Sam Two profile picture

Sam Two

flattery will get you nowhere (except my pants)

About Me

Sam and Sam, two boys a few years older again, who amusingly look like carbon copies of each other, think it's about more than that: 'Original indie still had a bit of danger - there's no danger in it today.' /H1?

My Interests

the lemon next to the pie

I'd like to meet:



brut,babyshambles,berry,blind willie mctell,blind blake,gary us bonds,dead boys,diddley,dylan,hangmen,hell,holly,horrors,joneses,lords of the new church,jerry lee lewis,libertines,muddy waters,dolls,paddingtons,presley,ripps,rock city angels, soda pop kids,television,thunders,heartbreakers,vincent,villains,xx teens


once upon a time in the west, big wednesday


one or two things that may have, at some point in the past/present appeared on the television


the first 40 pages of a picture of dorian grey


anyone who lost and loved every second of it.

My Blog

building a acoustic guitar in 2 hours

i set myself a little task of building a acoustic guitar using materials i have around the house in two hours. here is a picture of the main materials ready made electric guitar neck, wooden box, pre...
Posted by Sam Two on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 08:28:00 PST

building a guitar part six

guitar is done, lots of minor errors but its all part of the learning process. guitar is now being played at beckys all the time. looks and sounds great, here are some pictures of it befor i strung it...
Posted by Sam Two on Mon, 19 May 2008 08:23:00 PST

building a guitar part five

there will be only one more blog after this which should hopefully show the guitar in all its glory. put alot of the finishing touches to it today. i started off by using my newly aquired pyrography p...
Posted by Sam Two on Thu, 15 May 2008 04:29:00 PST

building a guitar part four

lots learnt today and over the past few days. with the f hole being slightly wrong and a new problem which presented itself today. anyways, i found something to do while at beckys watching indianna jo...
Posted by Sam Two on Tue, 13 May 2008 06:16:00 PST

building a guitar part three

just spent the last hour filing out a f hole in my box. reminder for next time. take more care when tracing the templates onto the guitar. ah well it looks pretty nice none the less. very relaxing, f...
Posted by Sam Two on Sat, 10 May 2008 02:34:00 PST

building a guitar part two

so its been a long time since my last blog, it took a while to get started and after posting my last blog i decided neither of the boxes i had would be suitable for the sapelia i had in mind for ...
Posted by Sam Two on Tue, 06 May 2008 11:03:00 PST

building a guitar part one

just about to start my next guitar.these are my initial materials.i’m deciding what to use for the body, i have two boxes in mind, one which was a house for spoons and a larger one. i think i&rs...
Posted by Sam Two on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 08:31:00 PST