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Wal-mart has already reported record high profits again this year. Third quarter turn-ins were 8% higher than last year while we have a worse economic state across the nation. Wal-mart reports the increase due to stocking holiday items earlier than ever this year as a way to entice consumers to spend the same excessive amounts on Christmas gifts this year as they have in years past. Be a responsible consumer. Keep the true meaning of the holidays with you and stop the needless spending and cycle of corporate greed fueling poor working conditions on both foreign and domestic soil.
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You can spend 13 minutes finding more glitter graphics to generically say happy holidays to your "friends" on myspace, or you can take 13 minutes and think about an important issue. Watch and remember this while you do your holiday shopping this season:
Check out these links:
Green*Light Magazine
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)