art in general : music, painting, cinema, theatre, photo... anything talking to soul______ _ _ _ ____ _ _ __ ___ _____________ ____ ____ _____________ __There's not a place for art here, so I would like to "introduce" you some artists I love. ---------------------Folon --------------------- Klimt -Gombergh -Ryan McGinness - Dan Flavin - Ernesto Caivano - Boltanski - Goldsworthy --Van Gogh (of course):and Gauguin his friend
des chercheurs d'absolu
U2, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Peter Gabriel, Neil Young, Springsteen, PJ Harvey, Supergrass, Sonic Youth, Police, Sting, Pixies, Radiohead, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Noir Désir, Interzone, Akosh S., Cranberries, Marianne Faithfull, Clapton, Bumcello, -M-, Jorane, Art Mengo, Tool, Elliott Smith, Bjork, Manu Chao, Mano Negra, Lady & Birds, Mogwai, Alanis Morissette, Eels, Piers Faccini, Emilie Simon, Ghinzu, Molly Johnson, Joseph Arthur, Tetes Raides, Jack The Ripper, La Tordue, La Rue Ketanou, Muse, Wampas, Keziah Jones, Rita Mitsouko, Ez3kiel, Nosfell, Kaolin, Elbow, Idir, Souad Massi, Youssou n'Dour, Hawskley Workman, Oasis, etc ETC...Free Myspace Graphics(morceau coup de coeur du moment...)
Tim Burton :--Kusturica :-- Girl with a pearl earring, Peter WebberAronofsky - Requiem for a dreamMémoires d'une Geisha, Rob Marshall :Renaissance, Christian Volckman :Immortel, Enki Bilal :Pink Floyd :
"throw away your television" (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
Castaneda : Voir les enseignements d'un sorcier Yaqui. Krishnamurti : Se libérer du connu, La révolution du silence...Yi King, Le livre des transformations.Contes des sages de l'Inde. Livre des morts tibtain. Fabienne Verdier, Passagère du silence :Orwell,1984.Ruffin, Globalia. Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal. René Char, Derniers poèmes d'amour.Benacquista, Saga. Mitch Albom, Les cinq personnes que j'ai rencontrées la-haut.BD - Yslaire : - Bilal -Tardi-Loisel
maybe you ;-)