Formed after a fortuitous meeting of minds at an online synth forum, the JIC comprises two full time committee members and a nebulous pool of special agents providing a variety of additional skills and fieldcraft.
The JIC exists to provide an outlet for their groovily improvised and experimentally ambient musical noodles.
We will announce our mission statement here.... just as soon as we remember what it is!
Paul Nagle -
Paul played his first solo gig in 1983 but for years remained in a rather serious, teutonic vein of doomy electronica as heard in such bands as Tangerine Dream. Fortunately, Paul met up with Phil Smillie and finally learned how to lighten up and party. As is typical with most late converts to anything, he threw himself into this with gusto, keen to make up for lost time.
Paul writes gear reviews for Sound On Sound magazine and has programmed synthesizer patches for Roland, DSI, Access and others. Mostly he just likes to play.
Phil Smillie -
On his recent musical road to Damascus, Phil rediscovered his guitar and the joys of realtime looping, met Paul Nagle and realised that making music is so much more fun when computers aren't involved.Phil's other - more production-oriented - projects include psychedelic trance combo Cerebellum and it's ambient techno offshoot, Drug Squid.