Sith Complaint Dept. profile picture

Sith Complaint Dept.

I think I'm gonna sing the Doom Song now.

About Me

I was born in Clarksburg, WVa where you don't make the mistake of calling a hillbilly a redneck... where my kin folk literally fought over a peck of salt and if you talk with someone long enough you'll probably find out you're related. My young mind couldn't handle such pressure, so at 15 months old I decided to hitchhike my way to Scotland. Not having the best Navigational skills at 15 months and finding it hard to get anyone to drive me as far as Scotland, I ended up in Alaska. The folks that gave me the ride said they were family and, being a hillbilly, I didn't question them on it.
I tried to spend my childhood being raised by wolves but was forced into the public educational system against my will. Eventually I ended up graduating from Chugiak High Shcool. Which, back then, was a matter of pride. Not just my own pride in graduating in the alotted amount of time with all my limbs attached, but also the school's pride in putting out students that don't need cash registers with cute little pictures of french fries and burgers on them.
I spent a few years in college trying to get an architecture degree with the grand vision of returning to West Virginia and helping the hillbillies that didn't escape build bigger and better cabins (rednecks live in trailers). But having not developed a taste for alcohol by that point and finding out that they could only pay me in moonshine I decided to find a different carreer field. So, I moved back to Alaska were I met up with an old friend (who had also tried unsuccessfully to be raised by wolves) and finished my college life with a degree in Journalism Public Communications: Telecommunications & Film. Which is a whole lot like getting a degree in English from a university in Moscow. Or, let's face it, an architectual degree in West Virginia.
So, degree in hand, I set off and got myself a job in a comic book store. Where I've carved out my little nich in the world for the last *mumble, mumble* years. Laugh all you want (because I can hear you and the voices tell me where you live) because I'm happy while most of the rest of the world is misserable. You're just jealous because I don't have to drink myself into oblivion each night. I'm smarter than that. I wait for the international flights where the alcohol is free. As long as they keep sending me back to Tokyo I'm a happy man. - spoiler warning- If you go to Tokyo make it one good trip because if you go twice you're hooked and can never happily return to the outside world again.
Oh, hey... this is supposed to be about Interests & Personality... oops.
Um... I like movies, books, music, breathing air and the warmth of a woman in my arms (hey, I'm good. I could be a TV psychic). I don't smoke, have an odd sense of humor and I've never beaten a girlfriend (no matter how much they begged for it). I have no patience for stupid people that drive or have kids. If you can't handle it then don't do it.

My Interests

architecture, movies, hiking, photography & things I can't afford

I'd like to meet:

Joss Whedon and Alyson Hannigan. Not neccessarily together. Those are two different fantasies that should have nothing to do with each other.

The mythical, beautiful woman looking for a nice guy.

Osama Bin Laden - so I can find out, once and for all, if I have the "moral flexibility" to feed a man his own testicles.


Nightwish --- Evanescence --- Falco --- Celin Dion Aerosmith --- Trans-Siberian Orchestra --- Scorpions --- smattering of anime soundtracks --- Rob Zombie --- Star Wars soundtracks --- Charlott Church --- Mancini --- the theme song for The Last Unicorn (hey, that one always chokes me up)

and it's not music, but the Dead Alewives CD kicks ass


where to begin?... Fifth Element Leolo Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back City of Lost Children Gunbuster Brotherhood of the Wolf Dark City Galaxy Quest Spirited Away Grosse Pointe Blank Rat Race Radioland Murders True Lies Blazing Saddles Young Frankenstien Space Balls Ran Demolition Man Willow Goonies The Emporer's New Groove
and if I'm stuck at home feeling sick I'm probably watching the Back to the Future triology


I watch almost no real television except when I visit friends. I subsist on DVD box sets. I am currently working on: Smallville, 3rd Rock, Lost, Stargate SG-1, Ranma 1/2, Bullshit and have finished Buffy and Angel. And, of course, Firefly is some of the best television created by man. When I do have access to cable I like to watch the Travel & Discovery channels and I can't get enough of Whose Line is it Anyway.


okay, I'll apologize now for misspelled names. some of my favorites are anything written by Raymond E. Fiest, George RR Martin's books, Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, older Dirk Pitt books by Cussler, the MYTH series and the poetry of John Donne. Oh, okay, I'm a geek so here's my list of favorite comics: Body Bags, Scud the Disposable Assassin, Ship of Fools & the Hitman vs. Lobo special (heh, heh, heh... bueno.)


hmmm... I've left this one for last... Haven't given it much thought til now. I've always thought the world of my grandfather who has led an exciting life, by my standards, and can do anything he puts his mind to. I always loved my own father, but until he recently passed away it didn't sink in what a truely kind man he was. Whenever you talked with him you always left a bit happier. My friend, Kim, who has always inspired me with her strength and compassion and now her unwavering courage no matter what the hurdle. It's easy to admire those that made one fateful decision that changed history. But the ones that are truely awe inspiring are those that, through their lives, touch hundreds of others and make our world that much better without even realizing it.

My Blog

surprise at the Alaska Aces game

Got a little surprise at the Alaska Aces hockey game tonight.  Steven Tyler was in the crowd, at the Sullivan Arena, cheering on our local hockey team. ...
Posted by Sith Complaint Dept. on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 01:01:00 PST

evil deed for the day

pssst...  Northern Delights at the Sears mall has carmel apples.  And try the white chocolate, raspberry creams while you're there.My work here is done.
Posted by Sith Complaint Dept. on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 08:39:00 PST

WARNING! Aragon sucks!

I just got back from being tortured by one of the worst movies ever made.  Aragon was horrid!    If the books are even 1/10th as bad there should be book burnings in the stree...
Posted by Sith Complaint Dept. on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 02:00:00 PST

ONLY FOR THE REALLY BORED fortune cookies part I

Over the years I've tried to save all of the fortunes I get out of fortune cookies.  Not because I think this will help them come true but because the odds say that, out of hundred...
Posted by Sith Complaint Dept. on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 03:18:00 PST

first batch of embarrassing photos Mark II

Sorry to all my friends that gave comments on the original post of this only to see them dissappear. Myspace wouldn't let me edit the page and after waiting over a week for the error to be fixed I fin...
Posted by Sith Complaint Dept. on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 10:53:00 PST

Chocolate Affair 2006 Anchorage, Alaksa

How can you say no to all the chocolate you can eat?Each year the MS Society of Anchorage, AK puts on the Chocolate Affair at the BP building.  It's table after table of the finest chocolate, liq...
Posted by Sith Complaint Dept. on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 12:47:00 PST

belly dancers at the Alaska State Fair

Posted by Sith Complaint Dept. on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 01:00:00 PST

took my brother to the Alaska State Fair

Check out the cool bansaiAaron on the ferris wheelAaron enjoyed the bumper cars...
Posted by Sith Complaint Dept. on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 12:19:00 PST

pictures from summer vacation

Dillon checking out Shay #6Cass Scienic RailroadMom with us at CassDad's memorial at the family farmBrandy, Craig and Dillon at dad's memorialAaron in his favorite chair at grandad'sBrandy on the Maso...
Posted by Sith Complaint Dept. on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 11:57:00 PST

commercials that never should have been made

Okay, I know this is of limited interest to 99% of you out there but I'm tired of talking to myself.  I've gotta know if there are other folks out there that feel the same way.1st:  The Army...
Posted by Sith Complaint Dept. on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 06:15:00 PST