architecture, movies, hiking, photography & things I can't afford
Joss Whedon and Alyson Hannigan. Not neccessarily together. Those are two different fantasies that should have nothing to do with each other.
The mythical, beautiful woman looking for a nice guy.
Osama Bin Laden - so I can find out, once and for all, if I have the "moral flexibility" to feed a man his own testicles.
Nightwish --- Evanescence --- Falco --- Celin Dion Aerosmith --- Trans-Siberian Orchestra --- Scorpions --- smattering of anime soundtracks --- Rob Zombie --- Star Wars soundtracks --- Charlott Church --- Mancini --- the theme song for The Last Unicorn (hey, that one always chokes me up)
and it's not music, but the Dead Alewives CD kicks ass
where to begin?... Fifth Element Leolo Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back City of Lost Children Gunbuster Brotherhood of the Wolf Dark City Galaxy Quest Spirited Away Grosse Pointe Blank Rat Race Radioland Murders True Lies Blazing Saddles Young Frankenstien Space Balls Ran Demolition Man Willow Goonies The Emporer's New Groove
and if I'm stuck at home feeling sick I'm probably watching the Back to the Future triology
I watch almost no real television except when I visit friends. I subsist on DVD box sets. I am currently working on: Smallville, 3rd Rock, Lost, Stargate SG-1, Ranma 1/2, Bullshit and have finished Buffy and Angel. And, of course, Firefly is some of the best television created by man. When I do have access to cable I like to watch the Travel & Discovery channels and I can't get enough of Whose Line is it Anyway.
okay, I'll apologize now for misspelled names. some of my favorites are anything written by Raymond E. Fiest, George RR Martin's books, Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, older Dirk Pitt books by Cussler, the MYTH series and the poetry of John Donne. Oh, okay, I'm a geek so here's my list of favorite comics: Body Bags, Scud the Disposable Assassin, Ship of Fools & the Hitman vs. Lobo special (heh, heh, heh... bueno.)
hmmm... I've left this one for last... Haven't given it much thought til now. I've always thought the world of my grandfather who has led an exciting life, by my standards, and can do anything he puts his mind to. I always loved my own father, but until he recently passed away it didn't sink in what a truely kind man he was. Whenever you talked with him you always left a bit happier. My friend, Kim, who has always inspired me with her strength and compassion and now her unwavering courage no matter what the hurdle. It's easy to admire those that made one fateful decision that changed history. But the ones that are truely awe inspiring are those that, through their lives, touch hundreds of others and make our world that much better without even realizing it.