Dancing without spilling a drop of my jack and coke.
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The Godfather, Goodfellas, Casino, Gangs of New York, Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Once Upon A Time In America, You've Got Mail, Addicted To Love, Love Actually, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, 24 HOur Party People, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Desperado, Boondock Saints, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, The Long Riders, Ocean's 11(the original), Ocean's 11(the Clooney version), Anchorman, Old School, Napoleon Dynamite, Team America, Interview With The Vampire, Underworld, American Beauty, etc., etc.
is a great band...
Devil in the White City, The Things They Carried, The Screwtape Letters, The Godfather, Omerta, Military Manual of Self-Defense, Where The Wild Things Are, Sushi Menu at Matsu
My grandfather, CS Lewis, Anton Lavey, Frank Sinatra, Peter Gabriel, Dennis Haskins, Jimmy Swaggert, Caligula, Marc Bolan, David Bowie, Simon Gallup, Leon Trotsky, Peter Hook, Andy Rourke, Brian Wilson, Bartalomeo Vanzetti, Salvatore Maranzano, Upton Sinclair, Johannes Guttenberg, Marcus Tullius Cicero, and Ronald Reagan.