Stephy J profile picture

Stephy J

Serenity now!

About Me

go here to see my webshots -

My Interests

Showcase Bitches, VCU crew, Siegel kids, the beach, my family and our dogs, music, beer, my Corolla, Ziggy and chocolate!

I'd like to meet:

Lucille Ball, Judy Garland, the real life Danny Zucco, BRANDON BOYD, Wilt and

by Stephers7183one of the funniest nights freshman year! Specimen A and Specimen B.... LOVE YOU JENN!!!


Zepplin, Beatles, Queen, Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Skynyrd, Bob Dylan, Chicago, Doobie Brothers, Eagles, Rolling Stones, Incubus, Green Day, Weezer, Micheal Jackson, Sublime, Chili Peppers, DMB, Guns n Roses, Devil's Workshop, DJ Williams, Orgean Hill Funk All Stars, Yo Mama's Brass Band, and tons of other stuff


The Wizard of Oz, Dodgeball, Anchorman, all Austin Powers movies, Singin in the Rain, Meet the Parents/ Fockers, 40 year old virgin, basically anything that's really funny


I Love Lucy, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Family Guy, Golden Girls, Comedy Central, Turner Classic Movies, Foster's home for imaginary friends


the guy that invented post-it notes