*SWEET®* profile picture



About Me

First of all the main reason I'm here is to support my friends in the music industry that are much deserved of it. As for me..I've never been identified as typical or normal. As a matter of fact I've grown to like being different. Normal is boring. I am not predjudice tword anyone or genre of music. I grew up in the USA and by the time I finished high school I had already gone to seven different schools. Always being the new girl in town was tough (kids can be so cruel). I used music to get me through these hard times. After high school and throughout college I went through this party till you can't physically do it any more phase. I learned that this did not get me any where but where I had been all my life(don't get me wrong I still like to have a good time). Searching for my identity and looking for people who were genuine and had a positive influence on me (hard to find). I've had like 10 jobs in the past 12 years(joking)- It seems like it. A few to name are: flight attendant, medical sales, radio/event PR (my fav). I am currently an English professor here in Brazil and doing event PR on the side which I intend to make my full time profession eventually. I moved to Brazil because of my mother (she was all alone). We lost the two most important men in our lives within 2 months of eachother in the year 2000. My father(hero) to cancer and my little bro (21 years old) in a car accident. My father was American and my mother is Brasilian. On a much lighter note, the music scene down here ROCKS! Brasilians love diversity in music and are always down for hearing something new. My objective is to bring all you talented musicians down to this part of the world. I believe we both could benefit from this. I need all of you here. Without all of you I would have not made it this far in life. Thank you for using your talent to help me believe in myself, lift me up when I was at my all time low (isn't that a song), and making me NEVER GIVE UP! I'm working on an autobiography and would like to put those thoughts into music one day. I am not in any way a professional but believe anything is possible. I have so much to say...not enough room. Don't let your friends down & live every day as if it were your last!

My Interests

MEMBER SINCE..04/06Anything w/guitars----Music(It gets me through life and is my Inspiration)----Animals (My dog Meli)----Pyhsical fitness (Nothing worth while comes easy)-----Travel (Don't get stuck..Adventure)-----Computers (without this I could not have met any of you!)----Photogrophy (new hobby)-----Helping people live better (Equoquest Intl.Check out my website below...)

I'd like to meet:

People who treat others as they would like to be treated.I WOULD HAVE LOVE TO HAVE MET ELLIOT SMITH.




My Blog


Myspace has surprisingly become overwhelming here recently. I am also assisting w/ the promotions of Women of GHS.  So my time will be spread between two sites. Please be patient w/ me in regards...
Posted by *SWEET®* on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 04:25:00 PST


GHS has always supported female guitar players and enthusiasts around the world. Here is a great place to network and share music and ideas!    Women of GHS ...
Posted by *SWEET®* on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 10:46:00 PST