Jojo & Hopscotch profile picture

Jojo & Hopscotch


About Me

Hedo,Jojo n' me are cuwwently in reherswals for Glastonbunny Festival 2007. We ar vewy excited. Yew wil bea abel tew sea us performing in de Gweenpeace SoleMates Tent. I am alswo hopin tew meat my hewos 'Chas en Dave'. I will twy to post pictures of me adwentures soon. Anywon else goin tew de Glastonbunny Festival???We wuv du all.Scotch and Jojo..
WWW.JOANNE ENTWISLE.CO.UK Please click on my address above for a direct link to my showreel and voiceclips!!Your results:
You are Supergirl Supergirl 95% Wonder Woman 95% Superman 90% The Flash 80% Spider-Man 70% Green Lantern 70% Robin 65% Hulk 50% Catwoman 40% Iron Man 30% Batman 20% Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

Myspace Layouts by

Welcome to our page!! By popular demand, the famous rabbit and her sidekick Jojo, have got their own 'myspace' page!!Hopscotch has recently been featured in several films directed by Tim Borrett, Dan Hagger & Nick Tolladay.Jojo is about to perform in a production of Elegies at the Fortune Theatre, Russell Street on 28th May. (Tickets: 01277 226658)Also,they are about to start touring the country in a Typhoo Tea waggon - look out for them at a Supermarket near you!!
Kiss! Kiss! We love you!!
You scored as Goddess of the Golden Dawn. You come from heaven. You wake people from their sleep. Your purity is unlike any other, nor is your beauty. By the way, nice wings!

Goddess of the Golden Dawn


Druid Fairy


Ethereal Priestess Fairy




Twilight Mistress Fairy


Autumn Fairy


Snow Fairy


Raven Fairy


Rose Thorn Fairy

Which Firefly-Path Fairy are you?
created with
Jojo looked wonderful in the half-light!!

My Interests

Playing Snap
Hosted by Sparkle Tags

I'd like to meet:

Chas and Dave!


"Rabbit !"


Watership Down, Donnie Darko


The Muppetsand Starsky and 'Hutch'


Hosted by Sparkle Tags


SupergirlHartley Hare and Vicky Barclamb!!!

My Blog


Well boys and girls! I have finally finished my showreel - yipppeeee!! It should be online on my website ( in the next week. 2006 is proving to be such a fantastic year!! I've...
Posted by Jojo & Hopscotch on Thu, 18 May 2006 09:37:00 PST

Easter Burnnie

"HAPPWY EASTWER EVEWYWONE!!!"  I had a vewy bizzee nite, helpin de Eastwer Burnnie take lotz of Eastwer Eggs tew al de gurd boys en girls! Were yew gurd dis year??!!" - Hopscotch
Posted by Jojo & Hopscotch on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 05:56:00 PST