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About Me

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My Interests

music, photography, floating little pieces of broken glass in the sky, red lights against dark sky, quiet streets at night, any kind of visual imageries, sub-cultures, goths, old analogue synthesizer sound, Robot, Robo voices, old skool vocoder, bleepy electronique music, DJs who dress up way over the limit when they perform, robot dance, 90's romantic comedy, good cinematography, stars, and good food, good hydro!!! "I love it when it rains. For a moment everything stops"

I'd like to meet:

CHRIS CUNNINGHAM!! I'm fucking in love with your talent, Marilyn Manson again, James Iha, Legowelt, Alexander Robotnick, Little Computer People aka Anthony Rother, Wolfgang Tillmans, Alden Tyrell, Salvadore Dali,


electro with chunky bassline and analogue syn, bleepy sound, punk-funk, twisted disco, chill ambient music, Solvent, Legowelt, Bleepin J Squawkins, B(if)tek, Miss Kittin, Smashing Pumpkins, Pulp, Depeche Mode, New Order, Suede, U2, Air, Technova, Cabaret voltaire, Alden Tyrell,DMX Krew, DNTEL, Dr, Lektroluv, Creme de menthe, Mystery men, Ellen Allien, Skinny Puppy, Radiohead, Kraftwerk, Potishead, Peaches, The Other People Place, Orgue Electronique, Hong Kong counterfiet, Nitzer Ebb, mum, Anthony Rother, Little Computer People, Incognito, Olive, Hooverphonic, Cocteau Twins, Ectomorph, mum mum mum and mum, Everything but the Girl, Meccanoid selections


Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Lynch's films, Tim Burton's films. Trippy movies, Million Dollars Hotel, City of God, Fall, Requeim for a Dream, Trainspotting, All smashing Pumpkins clips, Great Expectations, Last Life in the Universe, Amelie, Animaniacs, Chris Cunningham work


Nip/tuck, CSI, Access all area VH1


Griffin & Sabine, Sparks of Genius, Dessert Flowers, It's not how good you are. It's how good you want to be.


Chris Cunningham, Paolo Roversi, Sarah Moon, DJ Toupee @ Meccanoid, Beth Gibbons, Marilyn Manson, Wolfgang Tillmans, Kraftwerk, Legowelt, Salvador Dali, mum