Sofie Loizou profile picture

Sofie Loizou

travelling the world....

About Me


It all started when Sofie, age 15, borrowed an old synthesiser from a friend. Intrigued and beguiled by its puzzling menu layout and strangely labelled functions, she was destined to ask "what does that button do?". Thus began a long and sordid love affair with electronics and music.
Sofie has written/recorded an album called "The Magenta Incident", a collection of unconventional electronica, and is currently looking for a home for her work. She DJ's as Miss Memory and performs live experimental sound sculptures. Most recently Sofie is working on building an instrument called the Shimmer. Prototype one has just been built using kitchen bowls, electronic hammers and midi.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/5/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Type of Label: None