Hello. My name is Ayla. i enjoy furry woodland creatures with big eyes and depressing music. i am fond of old men with neat hats. i have friends, some, and a life, sort of. i've got this boyfriend, too. he and i are splendid, strange, yet splendid. i work alot and i'm a sucker for things that purr. k, thats all.. thanks.
AIM- MyAshesFalling1
be the change
you wish to see
in the world
Obviously, if humans were to be subjected to vivisection, the amount of pain they would feel would certainly not depend on their communication skills nor on their ability to solve differential equations - suffering is the same for geniuses and dunces. Likewise, non-human animals suffer in the same ways and to the same degree as humans.
"Always remember, a cat looks down on man, a dog looks up to man, but a pig will look man right in the eye and see his equal."
-Winston Churchill
"You can bomb the world to pieces,
but you can't bomb the world into peace."
Don't contribute to overpopulation
when there are millions of homeless and orphaned
children all over the world. Adopt a slimy little rugrat instead.