Music, Music, Chemistry!
Who I'd like to meet: I definitely DON'T want to meet the following: 1. whiny emo bands or wannabe hip hop pimps. Read my fucking profile before trying to add me, retards.2. Girls who refer to themselves as "Playmates", "hot bunnies" or whatever. If you look good, people will notice it by watching your pics. You don't fool anyone by giving yourself "hot" names...3. Models. You sure look great, and about 99% of all male myspace users sure would want to get laid by you, but seriously: You have like 1 billion "friends" on your friendslist. It surely wont destroy your career, if im not on it, would it? So leave me alone, unless you offer payment for the advertising (cause thats what it would actually be if you were in my top 8, wouldn't it, honey?)
Blackest Metal,Doom and some silly stuff called... hu...ähm....d..oh...yeah right country!
Wir wurden durch das Fernsehen aufgezogen in dem Glauben daß wir irgendwann mal Millionäre werden, Filmgötter, Rockstars... ...werden wir aber nicht! ...Und das wird uns langsam klar!
Hermann Hesse; for american people: HESSE NOT HESS notwithstanding i m not quite sure this guy ever wrote a book, did he?!!!
What the Fuck do you suggest? Queen Mom?