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Rocks, philosophy, ancient truths and secrets, mind expansion, cannibis sativa, legalization of hemp and marijuana, regaining of our self sufficiency, astrology, music, hippie dancing.
People interested in helping in my campaign for governor in 2008. Serious inquiries only please. Check out the video below! The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters.
One flew over the cuckoo's nest, The hemp revolution @ www.question911.com, Zeitgeist, Brave New World, Powder, Animal Farm, Fantasia, The Wall, love stories and true stories/history.
Brave New World, Theological works from the Earth over, The Emperor wears no clothes, Know your rights, The Bill Of Rights and Constitution, The dictates of my conscious, The Spear of Destiny, The Kabbalah, Behold A Pale Horse.
JFK, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jesus, Buddha, The Founding Fathers', Amanita Muscaria/Cannabis Sativa, ShineDown "All my heroes are dead and gone, down inside of me, they still live on!"