friends, movies, beach, mountain climbing, island hopping, travelling, music, internet, cars, biking
anybody is okay, don't worry I wont bite I just want to be more friendly, just email me at [email protected]....=P
pop, jazz, rnb, trance, disco, techno, classical, ballad,rock.
Van Helsing, HellBoy, Kill Bill 1-2, The League, LOTR Trilogy, Harry Potter I-II, The Matrix ( Trilogy ), Dare Devil, James Bond Movies, Fast and Furious I-II, ID4, E.T., True Lies, The Terminator I-III, Speed 1-2, Mission Impossible 1-2, Jurassic Park I-III, Alien, Face Off, Twister, Volcano, Armageddon, Pelican Brief, Titanic, Unlawful Entry, Empire of the Sun
Smallville, Alias, Friends, 24, Undercover, American Idol, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor, Joe Millionaire, Angel, The X-Files
Harry Potter, Encyclopedias.. language="JavaScript".r{}if (document.all){ with (document){ write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') write(' ') } }if (document.layers) {window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);} var yBase = 200; var xBase = 200; var step = 1; var currStep = 0; var Xpos = 1; var Ypos = 1;if (document.all) { function MoveHandler(){ Xpos = document.body.scrollLeft+event.x; Ypos = document.body.scrollTop+event.y; } document... MoveHandler; }else if (document.layers) { function xMoveHandler(evnt){ Xpos = evnt.pageX; Ypos = evnt.pageY; } window... xMoveHandler; }function animateLogo() { if (document.all) { yBase = window.document.body.offsetHeight/6; xBase = window.document.body.offsetWidth/6; } else if (document.layers) { yBase = window.innerHeight/8; xBase = window.innerWidth/8; }if (document.all) { for ( i = 0 ; i.. http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Pixelate(Duration =2 maxsquare=25)".. http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Fade(Duration=2 overlap=1.0)"
Superman, Batman, Spiderman.. language="JavaScript"alert("WeLcOMe tO My SiTe!!!") .. .. language="JavaScript"confirm("Please don't forget to add me to your list of friends, huh?! ThAnKS!! ;P")..