Mighty Visitation- DRUNK on GOD'S LOVE profile picture

Mighty Visitation- DRUNK on GOD'S LOVE

Will the TRUE prophets and the prophetic church stand up and PROPHESY?

About Me

Haven't been here in a bit.... will check messages later. But, HUGE blessings on you and yours. So, this is me: My name is Kathryn, and my husband Derek and I are very happily married (wow), parents of two beautiful children, in love with Jesus, artistic, dedicated, faithful, prophetic, able to boast in the Lord. Bold, out to help the underdog, we're giver of gifts, inclined to hang out with the pure in heart. We love people and we love the way Jesus turns ashes into beauty. We aim to be a living sacrifice, available daily to allow my Master to both live and work through me. His Kingdom come, His will be done, in earth, in me, as it is in heaven. We also love to sing, worship, pray, prophesy, dream dreams, and live for Him. We're open to minister to the brokenhearted and to all those who just want more, so feel free to write us and let us know your situation. We pray daily that God will use us triumphantly, and we've seen Him work mightily in countless situations.

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My Interests

We're floored with anything having to do with getting saturated with God's presence... We love watching people get smashed in the glory, and we love being the recipient as well. We love Him. Picture a dry sponge falling into the deepest ocean. Us, sponge, God, ocean. Pretty cool, huh? Ahhh, to get drunk in the Holy Ghost... To experience God on a level everyone told you couldn't be done. Complete saturation.Life, altered.Hey, the following links have been a blessing to us in our lives. If you want, just move your pointer over the box and click it to be blessed as well. Remember, it's the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings to search it out...Release God's Spirit when you worship Him in spirit and truth. Believe His word, and be utterly fulfilled. Seek His face, and find Him. Save the lost.We worship Him through the ARTS (guitar, singing, painting, drawing, poetry, writing of any kind, fashion, any kind of media). I love playing the guitar and feeling His presence. Last night I was playing a Newsboys worship song and it literally felt like my hands were covered in butter. It was awesome. So, worship is good. And, we dig hanging out with the worship culture... making new music, rhythms, friends. We're totally into looking after our two little prophetic princesses, growing more and more in love with eachother, doing business in great waters, and seeing the Kingdom of God come, grow, and increase on the earth. Of the increase of His government there shall be no end, according to the Prophet Isaiah. GLORY!!!! There's always more!Btw, with man, it's impossible to have godly relationships. But, not with God. With God, all things are possible. In order to have healthy relationships, however, you can't pull on your own capacity to love, it'll fail... you use it up. And then, when something else totally disturbing happens, you say, 'couldn't you have come yesterday and done this? I had a capacity to love then, but not now'. BUT...... if you pull on the love of God... the AGAPE (look it up) love of God, you have an endless source to move in, act upon, give out, and encounter. HE'S it. That's it. He's love and the only way you're going to find out what love is truly all about is by seeking Him.
Without Him, you'll fail. With Him, you have all the tools to succeed. You just have to believe Him and enter into the rest of God. Cease from your own works and see God glorified in your life. See His Kingdom come. That's what it's all about, isn't it? For life and lastingness, trust Him. Check out THE BLIND PROJECT'S space if you have a couple secs.... they're fighting against sex trafficking of children in Asia and around the world.... spread the word and help if you can..... AWESOME SITE!!! Find out more about the love of God!!!!Click it and be blessed!!!! TO WRITE LOVE ON HER ARMS has to do with the hurting and how Jesus wants to stop all the depression and cutting. There is hope, and many have been rescued. Check it out.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is on fire for God and ready to experience His Kingdom in full measure.... He's COMING!!!! Also, the obvious, Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit.... Enoch, David, Joseph, Smith Wigglesworth, Rick Joyner, Bob Jones, Benny Hinn, David Yongghi Cho, Esther, and Paul. Our heart's burning desire is to meet an army of young people who will not compromise and who are more hungry for Revival than they are for anything else in this world. God's not religious. And, neither are we. We love to get drunk on the New Wine of the Holy Spirit, and our Heavenly Father absolutely loves it. I used to smoke pot and get drunk on alcohol, but now I get filled to maximum capacity with God's presence, and it's HOLY. Many of my old friends come check out my page, but they need to realize that the old me has died and was buried with Jesus. The new me rules and reigns alongside Him. The new me receives the infilling of the Holy Spirit all the time. The real me hungers and thirsts for the One with Whom I have to do. The real me, just like the real you, won't get truly satisfied unless I'm intoxicated from the presence of My Master- unless I'm filled with His love to overflowing- until I'm literally drunk from the New Wine of the only True Vine, JESUS CHRIST.The joy of the Lord is my strength now, and nothing compares to fellowshiping with the Creator of the Universe. Why? All of us were destined to drink Him in. Satan is the huge counterfeit. He'll give you anything you want as long as you don't proclaim that Jesus is Lord and act upon those words. But, if you decide to turn from sin and live your life for the Lord, you'll see just how ugly Satan can get. You're no longer a slave to sin, and Satan shows himself as the horrible task master he really is. Listen, we all know there's a void in our soul when we're not right with God. And, regardless of who you know or who you party with or how much money you make or how witty you think you are, there will always be a God-shaped puzzle piece in your spirit that can never be filled with anything other than Jesus and His truth, God's Word from the Holy Bible. AND, the Holy Spirit wants to reveal Jesus to you. That's why it's so incredible, this drinking in His limitless love via the ANOINTING. Him allowing us to confess our sins, and Him forgiving them, looking at us with hope and promise, not an iron fist and terror. We've been so selfish, but He's so selfless. And, God will make all things new in your life. He'll show you who you were created to become, and He'll help you get there. Read my blog to find out what it's like, this getting drunk in the Holy Ghost. In God's word, He says don't be drunk with wine. Why? He has something better for you and much more tangible and fulfilling. Trust me, I've drank from both cups, and God's cup is the zenith. I now get high on the Most High. Be ye FILLED with the HOLY SPIRIT and be SATISFIED with ULTIMATE MEANING! And, thanks for checking out myspace. I know you'll be blessed the more you check it out. God's here.

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Newsboys, John Cox, Jason Upton, Georgian and Winnie Banov, Fred Hammond, Ramsie Shick, Tree 63, DC Talk, Peter Gabriel, Delirious?, The Police, Jennifer Knapp, Christian Harfouche's cds, Kirk Franklin, Third Day, Leonard Jones, Morningstar Music, Jeff Deyo, my voice and guitar, Michelle Tumes, Fergus Marsh, Petra, Benny Hinn's music, Rodney Howard Browne's music, Todd Bentley's soaking cds, Queen, Blondie, Yes, Beethoven, Mozart, some classical, some jazz, etc.


The Passion of the Christ, The Robe, Moses, Joseph, David, Braveheart, The Island on Birdstreet, The Sound of Music, The Saint, The Princess Bride, Cars, Conspiracy Theory, Ben Hur, Brother Sun, Sister Moon, House of the Flying Daggers, Memoirs of a Geisha, anything coming of age, and some action. I'm excited about good conquering evil. It's a principle the devil hates, but is absolute truth in the end. Jesus has the keys to death, hell, and the grave. He rules. Forever.My Jesus
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Anything edifying and that SHARPENS me for the race.


The Bible (some really great books are Proverbs, Genesis, Ruth, Hebrews and Romans- check them out!), How to Live and not Die by Norvel Hayes, Robinson Crusoe, Jane Eyre, Merismos, The Final Quest, The Call, Torch and the Sword, Watchman Nee's stuff, A Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary Baxter, The Fourth Dimension by David Yonghhi Cho, my own books...


GOD THE FATHER, The Holy Spirit, Jesus- hey, they loved us into the kingdom, David, Moses, John the Beloved and Joseph in the Bible. Smith Wigglesworth, Paul Crouch, and us as long as we are identifying with Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection instead of this world.VictoryatSarasota.com BELIEVES- as do we. We Believe … that teaching the Gospel without demonstrating the gospel is irrelevant. Good preaching, good doctrine, good church and being good people are simply not sufficient.We believe … that going to heaven when we die is not enough, but we must have heaven operating through us while we live; and that knowing about God without knowing and experiencing God is meaningless.We believe … that change without transformation is intolerable, and that staying the same is not an option.We believe … that gifting without character is futile.We believe … that singing songs without worshiping is hollow and having meetings without God showing up is senseless.We believe … that having faith without works is empty and having works without love is unacceptable.We believe … that reading the book of Acts without living the book of Acts is pointless.We believe … that confident faith is good but bold faith is better.We believe … that hearing about the Holy Spirit without experiencing Him is silly, that believing in His presence without seeing It manifested in signs and wonders is hypocrisy, that believing in healing without seeing people healed is illogical, and that believing in deliverance without people being delivered is unreasonable.We believe … that we are to be Holy Spirit filled, Holy Spirit led, and Holy Spirit empowered - anything less doesn't work for us.We believe … we are to be the ones telling the stories of God's power - not the ones only hearing about them.We believe … being saved but not living a supernatural life is like buying a new car and never driving it.We believe … that we are a battle ship not a cruise ship; an army, not an audience; special forces not spectators.We believe … we are to be infectious instead of innocuous, contagious instead of quarantined, unrelenting instead ofpassive.We believe … we are to be radical lovers and outrageous givers. We believe … in relentlessly pursuing God's purpose for our lives; that past failures are stepping stones not stop signs.We believe … that we should learn in order to be transformed, not learn just to know.We believe … that our time is a valuable God-given asset, not to be wasted in ineffective meetings and empty activitiessimply to look busy to others.We believe … we are not limited to the four walls of our buildings; that our influence is not restricted by location.We believe … we are to raise up world changers, not tour guides; to train commandos, not assemble committees.We believe … that nothing short of "His Kingdom come, His will be done in our world as it is in Heaven" will satisfy.We believe … that it will be said of us as it was said of those before us, "Those who have turned the world upside down have come here too."We believe … we are a people of destiny, not of history.Building The Kingdom Culture,Pastor BrianLet me know if you want to talk about what it means to be born again, how to have a relationship with God, and how AWESOME Jesus really is! God brought me out of so much darkness, and I know He can bring you out too. The Name of Jesus is above every name, and the devil trembles when you even whisper it in faith.God is DEEPER than you think. ASK and it shall be given unto you. SEEK and ye shall find. KNOCK and the door shall be opened unto you. AWAKEN!!!!!

My Blog

Grandma got ARRESTED!!!

GRANDMAS GO TO JAIL FOR WITNESSING        &n bsp;         &n bsp;        &...
Posted by Mighty Visitation- DRUNK on GOD'S LOVE on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 07:50:00 PST

Concerning FIRE, SMITH, and LESTER.....

Before Smith Wigglesworth died, he told Lester Sumrall that Lester would live to see three moves of God. The first move would be a move that would restore the gifts of the Spirit to the church. (...
Posted by Mighty Visitation- DRUNK on GOD'S LOVE on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 04:52:00 PST

I believe THE TRUTH.... what about you?

I believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are all God, meaning- Creator of all things and without beginning- the Eternal One. God is one Person, yet three Persons (the Father, Son, and Holy Spiri...
Posted by Mighty Visitation- DRUNK on GOD'S LOVE on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 03:00:00 PST

About Getting DRUNK in the HOLY SPIRIT and how often it happens to me.....

I guess it happens as often as I allow it too. Please don't get offended if I get too frank, but the Holy Spirit wants to give you better feelings than anything. I mean, anything. Any drug, any sex, a...
Posted by Mighty Visitation- DRUNK on GOD'S LOVE on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 01:44:00 PST


If your answer was no...read on...it may surprise you how much you ARE LOVED, REGARDLESS. Do you feel empty although you have many things, feel alone while surrounded by friends and family? Perhaps ...
Posted by Mighty Visitation- DRUNK on GOD'S LOVE on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 08:06:00 PST