R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wū Lù profile picture

R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wū Lù

I am here for Friends

About Me

Blurbs? But who's publishing me (why, like I was HON-da)? It's really impossible to get known what is real me - or what I'm like - with reading this (messed up) profile or see (messed up) images. Note: Well, you always need time or will to understand anything, if one watch or read these texts without understanding, of course, most likely one get wro~ng impression, but my profile is extremely "positive" - if you don't get it.You know, when it comes to introductions like this, I used to use prepared "My name is Luka, I live on the second floor, I live upstairs from you, I guess...", because it's truth and, even the blue fit (a lot). [Thanks to Suzanne for this. Just, don't worry, I'm not crazy - rather the neigborhood is.]"I don't drink coffee, I take tea, [my deaaar]..." (I decided to write - this is an important issue of late, because many people often ask me if I want coffee or they want to have coffee..., and they seem to never memorize I never ever liked and drink coffee). | With 2 words about me: KyuuHa RuuKa (By nature, I don't try to fit in the world, as I see and feel its imperfection very well, I know who rules it [0]) [sung-] But (miraclously) I'm still running (somehow, thought it's said that good die young). But I still haven't found what I'm looking for [All the Way--All the Way (just to Hea-ven)~], I believe in the Kingdom Come (You know I belieeeeeve iiit), and all the colors will bleed into ONE (One man came in the name of) [] One love, One blood, One liife, You got to do what you should, One liiife, With each other, Sisteeeers, Brothers, One liife, But we're not the same, We get to, Carry each other, Carry each other, OOoooone~, Oooone~, ooooooh ooowwaa, Maake it- maake it- maake it- HIIIIIIGGGH~~, oooWwh HIIIIIIGGH~~ yeah, yeah, oooWwh HI-IIII-I-GH~~ oooWwh HI-IIII-I-GH~-yeah [ "Sluchaj Izraelu" by 2Tm2,3 ]

The LORD is One;

One and Only True GOD;

We should love Him

With our whole heart;

[With our whole soul,

with everything we own]

He’s the One LORD

[Don’t wrestle Angels anymore;

We’re all His Chosen Nation

now just Heaven or hell ;


Keep my commandments , and you’ll survive; and keep my law as the apple of your eye: Bind it upon your fingers, be smart; write it upon the tables of your heart:

Labour (endure hardness) as a GOOD soldier of Jesus Christ!: * Preach the word continuously: in season and out of season: * Have faith in God. * Learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart. * Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world! If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him! * And all that will live godly in Jesus Christ, shall suffer persecution. * In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world. * Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.* ! *(Prv7:2)*(2 nd Tm2:3) - (2 nd Tm4:2) - (Mk11:22) - (Mt11:29) - (1 st Jn 2:15 ) - (2 nd Tm3:12) - (Jn16:33) - (Mt24:35)*

I see your soul, it's kind of gray. You see my heart, you look away... (Wheew-Alright, grey or murasaki, or any..."I see everything", any... the point it's not pure. I see them crying, dying, spying - everything. And the white toga symbolizes purity - real beauty. Yes, toga? Judge)

"Welcome True-friends, but you-know the thankful uta: Lu-Tong tea-song;

also Heaven or my bamboo-gate's closed tight against vulgar visitors. "

[ 7 /2 Rhymes from Ruka ]

Sorry, it's hard to "autobiographize" myself, for me: God loving/fearing, but you can see. Quite (I guess) quiet (doesn't mean "shy", besides, when everything looks beautiful I may become merry, but I'm not gay guy, You know, I'm rater always more "spirit" and "mind" not whatever-"mammal"-going), aesthetic, lyrical, simple (but also tremendously confused), friendly, trustee to bone guy. Loving simple things, the best thigs that are for free. I must be what they use to call "intellectual", so life without values in the 21st century is especially hard for us. So that I don't know what I'm doing in here, but somethimes you can find some right persons even in the net, though it's not my favourite place --- "Oh, C'mon!" said my little koya by bamboo groove, in mountains. [ Always so hard to talk about myself, and judge myself - no good, right? ] I'm serious person, but I just must use humour if I have to speak to not serious ones, you know. "If you don't know me by now (If you don't know me) You will never, never, never know me (No you won't)". Yes, hold, I "just recalled": I think I think "Uno Memento MorTis", exactly, (byle skon'czyc' w Chwale i Glorii) just to end UP in Reverence and Glory.*This is my (official) MySpace profile and, obviously, the others using my name or of the gate guard in the net are not me, especially when they present shadyness. I got some messers, you know*
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

8 . my and your Human Rights (this means: peace and righteous equality)."Mostly Autumn..." (just said to emphasize 'NoBody') .I'm quite "oldschool" guy, like they used to say, I like such things as - Various art (do draw etc. Don't present anythig special in here, hahaha...) [ But, no poor provocations - it ain't art! : ) ] - Acient East (Japan, China etc. etc. ... I gues I'm rather aesthetic guy. So I type the key-words for search engine: Japanophile - Japophile ...though they are extreme form... And I'm not "maniac" but resonable lover.) - Fine music (really various, just has to be good. But it's not like that I like anything, I know what i like and of course I abhore: Techno/Disco/Plastic/TastelessPop/House etc. etc., all these "brainless transes" - get on my nerves... But I really believe it's right) - Don't know what to say now... I like GOoD things/works. I'll think it over... Well, ask me about sth - I'll say what I think of it, but better don't ask me about the things that you know that are vain.Well, psychologically, As a extremely "boring guy" (kind of never switch thinking off) I feel English humo(u)r, except for offensiveness or vulgarity - kind of deep nonsense, you know. And psychologically -- I like "autumn and mountains" etc., not "summer and beach" etc., you know. --You know?!!

I'd like to meet:

[BASICLY: Good People, obviously; no matter their race or religion, but "moral", and Chisha (Cisza...) - Sages, human and plant]. I don't want to meet film directors and actors off the stage. At all. Who I'd like to meet - Dinosaurs like mee(t'hey do, you think? Anyway I got such feeling. Because hunch makes no rhyme, even that far-fetchet as feeling). I'm traditionalist (simple, old school) and naturalist (I don't like plastic food or clothes, unnatural things). I accept modern things only if they sustain good old teachings and ideas well enough, or simply have good taste no matter their modern form - which is rather very rare today. [ Probably "I was born in wrong era" - like they say, nee. When I was born it was sth like: "Look! Look around! It's even after Meiji! I'm lost! WHAT I'm gonna do now? No - I will pray (Heaven is the greatest beauty of temporary life multiplied by infinite times - UNimaginable for human), but anything else--on earth?] No, It's not about superficiality; insides worry me, or -yes- childish love for superficiality worries me: emptiness/no spirit, it does.[Probably I wrote a lot of trifle things in there, as I frequently add some sequences that make no good sound with previous, I must recompose entire texts in here, sorry]HONESTLY, GENERALLY all of you in Heven... My dream, but it's impossible as not everybody will be having own oil when the time will come (Mt 25:11-13 ...And this is sad, because hell, really, won't be empty)AND,IN HERE-? People like me, I mean... with similar interests and outlooks (sure I wanna meet another too, but if one's just a "hedonist", we have nothing to talk about, right? I guess. Doesn't matter if you have no leg or will die in a few days or sth. - I just don't like satan (in anybody), hahahah, yes, of course, --- SO, Hope you read me, I mean: most of you don't read -- maybe only watch pictures -- and just clic. Then, I do love everybody as I should... But I'm tired of bad things (don't get me as eccentric, eh... I'm just really tired of it). I like simple, smart, good people. After all, I'm really open person, willing to answer always, BUT except (the only exception) for Satan - when he's like: "Hey, Luke, how about..." I'm like: "No way, FALLEN angel, Are you never tired or this? Ah, of course, till the end of the world. I know you, no use to go to hell, take me for a stupid?" I DO know your name - zero-cipher -, don't have to guess'- so, you understand me, huh? 8^)What I mean is: [I'm singing:] "Yasashisa-ni--Tsutsumareta nara~~~~"kitooo~~...Ame agarU--? no niwa de~~'. Let's focus on love, without any tolerance or "Sympathy for the devil"... mmmmm~~ get down,--do you like this song? I'm sinner, but I doN'T get down. It's ALL I meant. ["It's ALL I can doooo, And when I go theRe, I'll buy myself 10 ko£deR i 7 futonÓw~~~~" (to rest, in PEACE)](Hah, get it? Does, does, all make sense: I'm singing "Where the Streets HaveD No Name" --humorously.)^ Alright, but: Satan and sin does NOT fascinate/enchant me, at all, of course - I juts wrote this for those that don't know that he's around, and when one try to talk with him... And, ooobviously, I don't think I'm Saint - living among people got me making mistakes... ^ Any commercials (and scream of shallow pop culture) rather get on my nerves than affect me ANYhow, because I know what I wan't, and I have own brain - it still works, I'm sane. ;^) - Now, you think you can affect me bacause you can get on my nerves? -- Oh, yes, you caN'T - all you can do is to waste my whole life, still it will be your fault and shame. Ah, everything return to you.My top friends depends on various things or how long we're. But generally it's not important. Just has to be set. Love You ALL the same way.

Oh please! Girls, girls (-_- ) ) ) ( ( ( -_-) Don’t be foolish Delilahs. " Who can find a virtuous [wo]man? for her price is far above rubies (not to mention Gyokuro )... Favour IS DECEITFUL, and beauty IS VAIN: the [wo]man that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." (Prv31:10&31:30)


Bo DaoLu - Crossroad - TenGoku. Sing to the Lord for He has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world. Play Heavenly Music for Lord. (and - Silk and rose roads lead nowhere, crossraods = choose hard but right paths)As I said... really various. First... "Christus vincit" (I got piano one by L.M.)/"Jesus HE knows me" by Genesis...(not the point!) And singing from the depths of the soul ,just like Mrs. Corina Armel (you can notice in numerous songs). Anyway, just have to be good, good piece and message, except the ones like Bone Thugs; which style I do like, but message is "rotten" (maybe except "the Crossroads"), any-anyway - so I like only the style, y'know). From traditional/classic to... not calssic? Ahahahaah.... really depends on mood. I love violoncello by Yo-Yo Ma; Violins by Itzhak Perlman; Tan Dun; Geinoh Yamashiro (RASSERA); Ko Otani (I meant Angels don't smoke, who thinks I mean Godzilla? I meant ex. "Refrain of Memory") etc.; piano by Leszek Mozdzer, piano by Ryuuichi Sakamoto, Hammond by Wojciech Karolak, Instruments & poetry by Grzegorz Turnau. Some guitar by Eric Clapton etc. etc. Rock tracks like: COMA - "Leszek Zukowski"; or the Creed - "One Last Breath" or... Some U2 (No doubt), or maaany of the Cranberries (totally. Saints go marching--Saints go marching-- SURE THINGS WOULD CHANGE IF WE REALLY WANTED THEM TO, but WE childish egocs DON'T(--You DO?) - Disappointment--Disappointment~~) ); Dolores O'Riordan (can I use for Religious Ecstasy); Suzanne Vega (absolutely); some of: Simply Red; some of Pink Floyd, Mono (Japanese or irish? XD Both.); Japanese traditional music; musicscapes of Yoko Kanno (like "Ring" or instrumentals of "Voices"); some of R.E.M.; some of Alanis Morissette ("King of Pain, Live Unplugged" - I DO say things for reasons); some Smashing Pumpkins (The impossible is possible tonight ); some of The Queen?("Under Pressure"/"the Miracle"...); some Sting; or... heavenly orchestrations (or "nightmare Jazz") by Angelo Badalamenti, Bob Geldof ("I don't like MySpace") ;|[question, 77 times and more - ask always, and never give back, but ask: why?]. what to say... so many different kinds/tracks! I can't list now... Aww... If I have to listen to hip-hop It has to be really 'wise' like Mos Def (outro?)/the Roots, or sth. [though it's too "limited" genre.] Anyway... Definitely: I can't stand Disco / Techno / Plastic / "brainless transes" / any poor compositions - really hurts my ears (if you want to give me headache and make me nervous or sth, play it... Hope You don't want!) Continuing what I like - Peter Black (The Blind Man Faithful), sth like Akeboshi's "Wind" (no matter the English), 'Refined Jazz' (not just noise, the best example is Leszek Mozdzer, but I think it's somethimg above Jazz), [ex. Favourite Carols, hahah, in Jazzy arrangement of pianist Andrew Jagodzinski] by Ewa Bem (6,12,8: God's born! Lies in manger, And what with This baby...) , Hammond by Wojciech Karolak ], Other jazz as "Jesienny Pan" (Autumn Mister - that would be much like me) by Hanna Banaszak (Guardian Angel - "To Ja wymyslil Dobry Bóg, bym przez to zycie zle z nadzieja przebrnac mógl. Hanne--i Anne Marie Jopek tez !" Soreni: "La Japonaise" - Montserrat Caballé & Freddie Mercury; and everything was ah ). Yes, Astor Piazzolla moves me (inside - BUT I'm really not the type that use hair gel or wear smoking, and I don't attend parties, ooobviously; I'm too serious - fit for a "monk" -- civilian ;^)) Anything really good. And what is that mean, I suppose to know, just had no time to list or --what?-- create myself? Joke.Wooh, what-a-chaos... Sorry for now... to be continued[Ex. the reason I need (to shout out) "Travellin' Man (Leaving on a jet Plane)" [NOT the "Memories don't live like people do" version. By Dj. Honda & Mos Def.] It's just "I'll be enough". I don't know where that "Cakalaks" is, so what, I won't stay here anymore. I'm too much of Old Timer. So "I'M LEEEEEEEAAAAAVIN'!" (Ichibunnies), Taaarararra~~tararara. It has a little bit of the end of the world tragedy (at least of mine). Eh, Just this. Sayounara, Minna-san!


Yes, I used to watch Moomins.Various: from Hayao Miyazaki/Satoshi Kon to David Lynch/Documentary... Kind doesn't matter, it has to be good work or right message. Just now on my mind "Ame Agaru"; Akira Kurosawa, Kon Ichikawa... etc. etc. To be continued... Well, mix "Dzien Swira" (just the general ideas) with "Pom Poko" and some of "Truman Show 3" and You'll get kind of me.But generally I have no time to watch and I don't mention many things in here.


Almost nothing, personally, I really don't like "stupidity shows", fishing stories, and sports (I don’t mean to offend, but too often I have to say that I find good old bedtime TV cartoons more normal than the crazy rest). I watch only: news (if not interested in bad news or sensations only ), certain documentaries, social problem debates (but politics get on my nerves). Really, better use the time for some other things. Especially reading (old boring moralists and sages) stimulates mind. [Now just how to make it comes back? Train good new virtuous generations. No (other) chances... You see I can't be left ungagged...]


Inside---------------------------------- ----------------------------------OutsideBy: Tanizaki Jun'ichiroo, Endoo Shuusaku, Kawabata Yasunari, Fukuzawa Shichiroo, Mishima Yukio, or Confucius, or etc; anything deep or high. ... To be continued The grass was greener, The light was brighter, The taste was sweeter, The nights of wonder, With friends surrounded, The dawn mist glowing, The water flowing, The endless river, Forever and ever... Anyway, about "temporary life books" - this profile is still under construction, of course...... On the other hand -"Lost Japan" (Utskushiki Nippon-no Zanzoo); "Dogs And Demons. Fall of Modern Japan / Tales from the Dark Side of Japan" ('Inu to Oni' Shirarezaru Nihon-no Shoozoo) [...To tell them about books, them -you know- media, they want to know everything, even my weight! You know them, so I’m going to the bookshop I want to buy J.J.J’s “Spider-Man – Public Menace”, and “To Banish The Christ” by Rosa Alberoni, and so on. But I can’t enter it! There is 1245 guys long queue, the age span is 3 y.o. to 101 y.o., some are sleeping on the ground, or brought tents etc.! I think--WHat’s going on [!]-- they installed the last confessional box, or something in there? No, look at those clothes, those hats! Look, the whole building is one big-- Harry~~ Potter!!! Pinch me, somebody! This is a pure tragedy – is this a planet of 10 years old children?!!] Here, after some hollow sound, the record stops – like faint and hit the ground or something.]


Heroes? Really? So... ["People with morals"], Jesus (Total Sacrifice for the love of people, and I mean the highest heroism is of those people as Him)... All God's people, and so on. You can easily guess my favourite saint. ALL good guys! ALL that fight/(resist) against evil ] ex. Brother Zeno, St Tom Kozaki --bravo, Then... I don't know what You mean - Peter Parker (?) when I was younger -? Ahahaha.... Because he wasn't ordinary hero - millionaire Batman or Superman from other planet - etc. etc. - but just a romantic do-gooder, and that's real heroism - stay simple do-gooder, even poor / hated / underestimated. : ) . Yet, to me, Alex Kerr (my favourite "modern thinker in Japan" hahah). For restoring REAL beautiful but ruined Japan/Asia among 'americanized' new age daub/trash. -Becuse I, really, "cry" when they pour concrete on the most beautiful heritage in the world, and waste it all... no common sense!)))--"Scaled these City Walls, these City Walls..." That unimaginable NEVERending abyss~ --But then: "There’s no sensation to compare with this, suspended animation, a state of (air ocean of unim-nevend) bliss."

My Blog

YAPPARI DETA! 40 cents, Symantecimon Says! [You want the Hook Up?]

"Yappari Deta! 40 cents, Symantecimon Says!"Me... I have a gazette (Ohayou  what a state). Will you? You see the headlines screaming--bleeding. (Depending on your Dimness or self-respect).  I-R-...
Posted by R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wk Lù on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 12:39:00 PST


(Nowadays - this century - of all [best/real] poets in the creative activity ubiquitous theme is...sneaky agenda hidden in coats. [Remember])...
Posted by R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wk Lù on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 01:16:00 PST


[I meant I don’t want too see, OBVIOUSLY. Tell you about psychology later!]
Posted by R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wk Lù on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:15:00 PST


I’m planning to all the time [and even don’t check new friend requests], but how can I leave and answer at the same time? Very Clever...
Posted by R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wk Lù on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 08:30:00 PST

[Made, made, made, I know -- Make.]

...But I rearrange in haste and so on, I told you. Don’t send me messages of "poor (man’s) hua" or sth like that, too , thank you....
Posted by R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wk Lù on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 02:02:00 PST

"May we live in interesting times..."

  And "May we live in interesting times. (of Hi-Tech)" RenIs Wiser (House: Where came cat must be rats. Cat is/seem to be/ nice or even healthy...but with his nature in the end still would tast...
Posted by R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wk Lù on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 01:56:00 PST

Happy Easter!

(Just don’t replace Jesus with the easter bunny...) ~Happy+Easter!~...
Posted by R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wk Lù on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 07:28:00 PST

is Wasted Years (but perfect justice will be)

Coming after a night without sleep, but not feeling that weak. Oh, oh-- Oh-where? What is history of communism? History of communism...is...  is too long, too destructive... Oh, Lord, and what is...
Posted by R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wk Lù on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 07:15:00 PST

[Me too - even I - good mouning! (Sosite skosi hanesemas...)]

No, but...Remember Matt Lucas in the Bank and that Carol with the computer, (so Krzyzacy... , and Nornica Pictures) but... Yeah, [nowadays] everybody [extremely] does !...
Posted by R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wk Lù on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 06:55:00 PST

[Thank you, It was not my intention to log in! PW m(_ _)m]

Thank You (everybody) for everything, unfortunately I only logged in unwillingly because I left something, and need to go. Please wait...... (yes, of course, I’m thinking to delete "my" space, o...
Posted by R'ûkashu Rukaemon21 Wk Lù on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:57:00 PST