Dj Quicksilver profile picture

Dj Quicksilver

Orhan Terzi aKa Dj Quicksilver

About Me

Hello my name is umut aKa dj junio®vito.. This page was made for Dj Quicksilver.. Adreslerinden kendisine ulasabilirsiniz..Kimdir Dj. Quicksilver, Neler yapmistir, Ismi nereden geliyor..?Dunya uzerinde belkide en cok taninan ve bilinen ve gercekten elektronik muzik produktorlugunu yapan Turk Djmiz olan Dj Quicksilver a.k.a Orhan Terzi 28 Haziran 1964 ylnda Trabzonda dogdu.Kisa sure sonra Almanyaya goc eden Orhan djlige 11 yasinda basladi.Onu muzige baglayan isimler Jean Michel Jarre, Klaus Schulze ve Kraftwerk oldu.Dj Quicksilver ismi bir Dj yarismasindaki icinde civa(quicksilver) bulunan alkis metrenin seyirciler tarafindan alkistan patlamasiyla cikti.Bunun sonucunda ismi duyulan ve yetenei kesfedilen Orhan bir plak dükkan at ve ksa srede djlik ve prodktrlk hayallerine basladi.Bu sralarda Tomasso De Donatis ile tanan Orhan ilk singlelar olan Bingo Bongoyu 1996 yilinda çikardi.Bu parça çok iyi basari yakaladi ve Avrupa listelerinde ilk 100e girdi.Bu baarnn hemen ardndan projelerini hzlandran Quicksilver I Have A Dream/Bellissima Singlelarn yaynladlar 1997 ylnda ve bu single albm 650.000 kopya satarak onlar iin yepyeni bir rekor oldu ve listelerde ilk 20 iine girdi hatta Bellissima tek bana 400.000 kopya satarak Ingiltere listesinde ilk 10a girerek Gold albm nvann ald. 1997 yln banda iinde Arabesc,Synphonica,Techno Macht Spass,FFM(Do You Remember),Deep In Motion ve African Rain gibi inanlmaz hitlerin yan sra daha nceden single olarak kan I Have a Dream,Bellissima ve Bingo Bongoyuda bulunduran hit albm Quicksilver piyasaya kt ve 400.000 zerinde sat yaparak o zamanki elektronik mzik listelerinde krlmayan baarlardan birini daha elde ettiler. 1997 ylnn Aralk aynda Planet Love single kan Quicksilver bu single ile ok byk baar elde ettiler ve single Mtv ve Vivann deiilmezleri arasnda yer ald. Bu byk baardan sonra daha byk ve gelimi bir stdyoya geen ikili Kasm 1998de Escape 2 Planet Love albmlerini yaynladlar.Bu albmden sonra remix almalarna hz veren Quicksilver Faithless,Porn Kings,Jam&Spoon,Dance 2 Trance,Brooklyn Bounce,Chicane.. gibi isimlerin remixlerini yaptlar.Ayn dnemde ikili birlikte Watergate isimli projeyede start verdi. 1999 ylnda Cosmophobia single ile devam eden Quicksilver bu single ile German top 40 listesinde yer almay baard.Cosmophobiadan sonra almalarna ara veren Quicksilver trance mzik tarhinide klasikler arasnda yer almasn salayan Hit single Ameno ile 2001 ylnda geri dnd. Ameno tm dnya dans listelerine ilk 10dan girdi ve Avrupada birok dl ald.Bu baardan sonra almalarna hz veren Quicksilver,Modern Reggea yldz Shaggynin 1995 ylnda ki hit paras Boombastic(Mr.Lover)i remixleyerek yine tm dnyada dans mzik listelerinde nemli bir baar elde etti,Volker Hannwackerin ynettii klip Mnich,Salzburg ve Londrada 3 gn ierisinde bitirildi.Bu singledan sonra 2002nin yaz aylarnda Bass Unique ile alan Quicksilver,Elvis Presleynin hiti olan ve daha sonradan Petshop Boys tarafndanda yorumlanan Always On My Mind parasnn coverna imza attlar.Bu cover daha sonra Safri Duo tarafndan remixlendi.2002nin Kasm aynda yeni tarznn ilk belirtilerini tayan New Life singlen kartan Quicksilver bu single ile almanyadaki nemli dans listelerinde yksek sralara kt.almalarna devam eden Quicksilver 2003 ylnn Austos aynda Clubfiles One isimli ift tarafl single kard ve bu single setin iinde orijinali Jean Michel Jarre ait olan Equonoix IV ve 80lerin muhteem rock hiti Eye Of The Tigern trance mixi bulunmaktayd. Bu singlelarlada byk baarlar elde eden Quicksilver Eyll 2003te Club Files The Album albmn yaynlad.
DJ Quicksilver is the stage name of Orhan Terzi (born on 28 June 1964 in Turkey). He took that name from a barometer used for measuring the audiences reaction at a DJ competition. Although he was born in Turkey, he lived most of his life in Germany. He started off working in an import record shop, which quickly turned into a trendy hangout for ravers and DJs.In 1996 DJ Quicksilver (who likes surfing, body building and mountain biking) had his first chartsuccess with Bingo Bongo, but the worldwide breakthrough came with the double A-side single Bellissima / I Have A Dream. The song reached top 10 of many countries. The follow-up Free entered the German chart at number 5. An album, titled Quicksilver was released in 1997. End 1997 he released another hit: Planet Love. After that we heard nothing from the guy for quite some time. In 1998 he did some remixes for Future Breeze, Usura and the famous Water Verve track from Mark van Dale & Enrico. End 1998 a new single was released: Escape To Paradise. Again a really catchy track. Quicky also surprised with a new project called Watergate and the song The Battle, a remake of an old Wings song. With Maid Of Orleans Watergate had it's 2nd hit.DJ Quicksilver also is a great remixer. He did the 1997-remix of Usura's Open Your Mind. He did also remixes for Disco Citizens (Footprint), Enigma (Roundabout) and the 1998-remix of Dance 2 Trance with Power Of American Natives. Another great remix was Water Verve from Mark van Dale & Enrico. Thanx to the Quicksilver remix this song was a huge success in the whole of Europe. Now Orhan is waiting for a call from Michael Jackson to remix one of his songs, that would be his dream...Orhan Terzi has a record store in Bochum, Germany, called White Label Records. The address is Alten Hattingerstrasse 31, Bochum, Germany. If you like good music, visit him!DJ Quicksilver est compos de deux membres, Tommaso de Donatis et surtout Orhan Terzi que l'on a pu apercevoir dans plusieurs des clips du groupe. Orhan Terzi qui vit en allemagne depuis prs de 30 ans et est d'origine turque tait dja intress dans les annes 70 par le dbut du dvellopement de la musique lectronique et notamment par Jean Michel Jarre qui l'a beaucoup influenc.C'est aujourd'hui un DJ trs demand qui sillonne la plante pour jouer dans les plus grandes boites de la plante. Partout sa musique techno trs mlodique est comprise comme un langage universel.Dj Quicksilver est malheureusement mon gout beaucoup trop peu connu en France meme s'il m'est dja arriv de voir trs occasionellement le clip "Planet Love" tard la nuit sur M6. Il mriterait une plus grande reconnaissance comme dans les pays germaniques et d'europe du nord.En effet, ce clip tait carment pass en boucle sur MTV-Allemagne et VIVA.------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------Des les premiers singles,"I have A Dream/Bellissima" et "Free",le succs a t au rendez-vous pour Dj Quicksilver avec 650 000 singles vendus en Allemagne. Dans les pays brittaniques, plus de 400 000 singles de Bellissima ont t vendus, titre qui a d'ailleurs t prsent 3 fois par Dj Quicksilver dans une des plus grandes mitions musicales du monde, Top of the Pops.Le premier album intitul "Quicksilver" a lui aussi logiquement connu le succs.Cet album trs prometteur annoncait dja en quelque sorte le second album "Escape 2 Planet Love", le plus bel album techno qu'il m'ait t donn d'couter.Comme l'annonce le titre de l'album,il va vous envoyer pour une heure de voyage musical travers la galaxie. Dans le clip de la fameuse chanson "Planet Love",des jeunes fuient leur plante lugubre et sans espoir travers une fameuse porte des toiles (identique Stargate!) suite l'invitation d'extaterrestres vers leur plante ou rgnent paix et amour. Cette chanson comme toutes celles de l'album sont une invitation universelle pour que tous les hommes en finissent avec tout ce qui est sentiments ngatifs et vivent en harmonie les uns avec les autres et avec la nature avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Dj Quicksilver est galement trs demand pour remixer des titres de groupes tel que Brooklyn Bounce, Jam & Spoon ou Chicane. La remix du mmorable "Insomnia" de Faithless a d'ailleurs eu plus de succs que la version originale !Aprs "Escape 2 Planet Love", Dj Quicksilver a sorti deux singles,"Cosmophobia" et "Ameno" en mars 2001, lequel a cartonn dans les charts allemands durant tout le printemps. On attend maintenant la sortie d'un 3me album lequel n'est pas encore annonc mais devrait surement arriver.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/14/2006
Band Members: Bingo-Bongo:ubat 19961. Bingo Bongo (Single Edit) 2. Bingo Bongo (Club Mix) 3. Bingo Bongo (B-ONKO Mix) 4. Bingo Bongo (Original Mix) 5. Bingo Bongo (B-INGO Mix)Boing!:Mays 19961. Boing! (Radio Edit (Club Mix) 2. Boing! (Saxy Single Edit) 3. Boing! (Extended Club Mix) 4. Boing! (Pro Doctors Remix) 5. Boing! (Dj Nervous/De Donatis Mix)Boing!(Remixes):Austos 19961. Boing! (Vertigo Remix) 2. Boing! (Nalin Inc. Remix) 3. Boing! (303 Version Terzi / DeDonatis Mix)I Have A Dream/Bellissima:Kasm 19961. I Have A Dream (Quicksilver Remix) 2. I Have A Dream (De Donatis Remix) 3. Bellissima (Original Mix)I Have A Dream/Bellissima(Remixes):Ocak 19971. Bellissima (Magic Mix) 2. Bellissima (DJ Thoka Remix) 3. I Have A Dream (Kadoc Remix)Free:Nisan 19971. Free (Club Mix) 2. Free (2 Flow Mix) 3. Free (Original Version)Free(Remixes):Temmuz 19971. Free (Hard Flow Remix) 2. Synphonica (Club Mix) 3. Bellissima (UK Remix)Planet Love:Aralk 19971. Planet Love (Video Mix) 2. Adagio (Club Mix) 3. Planet Love (Club Mix) 4. Planet Love (Escape Mix)Planet Love(Remixes):ubat 19981. Planet Love (Groove Planet Remix) 2. Planet Love (Future Breeze Remix) 3. Planet Love (Untidy Dub Remix) 4. Planet Love (Dextrous Remix) 5. Planet Love (Planetary Mix) 6. Planet Love (DJ Dave Sonic Remix)Escape To Paradise/Timerider:Ekim 19981. Escape To Paradise (Extended Mix) 2. Escape To Paradise (Club Mix) 3. Escape To Paradise (Fluid Mix) 4. Timerider (Club Mix) 5. Timerider (Extended Mix) 6. Timerider (Robot Mix)Cosmophobia:Kasm 19991. Cosmophobia (Single Edit) 2. Cosmophobia (R.B. Mix) 3. Cosmophobia (C.J. Mix) 4. Cosmophobia (Extreme Mix)Ameno:Mart 20011. Ameno (Video Mix) 2. Ameno (Club Mix) 3. Ameno (C.J. Stone Remix) 4. VoyageBoombastic(Dj Quicksilver Meets Shaggy):Ekim 20011. Boombastic (Catwalk Video Edit) 2. Boombastic (Catwalk Radio Mix) 3. Boombastic (Epic Radio Edit) 4. Boombastic (Deep Club Cut) 5. Boombastic (Catwalk Mix) 6. Boombastic (Epic Mix) 7. Boombastic (Deep Club Mix) 8. Boombastic (Marc O'Tool Remix)Always On My Mind:Mays 20021. Always On My Mind (Radio Mix) 2. Always On My Mind (Access Radio Cut) 3. Always On My Mind (DJ Quicksilver Mix) 4. Always On My Mind (Access Remix) 5. ChimeraNew Life:Kasm 20021. New Life (Original Mix) 2. New Life (Club Mix) 3. New Life (Formania)Clubfiles One(Equonoixe IV/Rising Up) :Austos 20031. Equinoxe IV (Video Edit) 2. Rising up (Radio Edit) 3. Equinoxe IV (Clubmix) 4. Rising up (Clubmix)Diskografi AlbumlerQuicksilver:Haziran 19971. Arabesc 2. I Have A Dream (Video Mix) 3. Free (Club Mix) 4. Synphonica 5. Bellissima (Video Mix) 6. Bingo Bongo (Flip House Mix) 7. Techno Macht Spass 8. FFM (Do You Remember) 9. Deep in Motion 10. African RainEscape 2 Planet Love:Kasm 19981. Intro 2. Andromeda 3. Escape To Paradise (Video Mix) 4. Planet Love (Video Mix) 5. Adagio (Club Edit) 6. Believe 7. Timerider (Extended Mix) 8. Back On Track 9. Cyberia 10. Freedom 11. Slamdance 12. SupernovaClubfiles One(The Album):Eyll 20031. Equinoxe IV 2. Embrace 3. Anthem 4. Rising Up (Club Mix) 5. New Life (Single Edit) 6. Power Of G.O.D. 7. Ameno (Video Mix) 8. Boombastic (Feat Shaggy) 9. Ohm 10. Voyage 11. Tsunami 12. Lost At Sea 13. Out In The DarkDiskografi Remix'ler1. Bitter Sweet Symphony(The Verve) 2. Dream Dance(Brooklyn Bounce) 3. Insomnia(Faithless) 4. Gate To Heaven(Jupiter Prime) 5. Open Your Mind(U.S.U.R.A) 6. Power Of American Natives(Dance 2 Trance) 7. Salva Mea(Faithless) 8. The Chase(Trance Atlantic Air Waves) 9. Up To No Good(Porn Kings) 10. Water Wave(Mark Van Dale) 11. Battle(Watergate) 12. Sunstroke(Chicane)Diskografi Release Olmayan Single'lar&Remix'ler1. 8X4(I Like It) 2. Angel Of Love 3. Dulfer 4. Gimme Rave 5. Lost In Space 6. MatrixII 7. Brainbug(The Brainbug) 8. Braveheart(Dj Sakin) 9. Hitmans Paradise(Estima) 10. Baloon Song(Djs At Work)
Type of Label: Major