individualistic|needs freedom*space*excitement|likes eccentric people|age is no barrier|good at responding to danger*fear*suspense|difficult to fanthom & to be understood|quiet unless excited or tensed|has reputation|easily consoled|honest|concern about people's feelings|friendly|approachable|very emotional|unpredictable|temperamental|moody|easily hurt|witty|sarky|sentimental|neither forgives nor forgets|caring|loving|has a strong sense of sympathy|judge people through observations|loves to be alone|always broods about the past & old friends|likes to be quiet|waits for friends|not aggresive unless provoked|loves to be loved|easily hurt|takes long to recover|overly concerned|puts effort in work|sweet|romantic|active|cool|wacky|likes the cold|pale|original|smooth|crazy|headturner sometimes|em smaLL|hopeless romatic|young & hopeless maybe|
about me!
who cares??
if i give u my heart,wud u give it a home?
if i tell u i love u, can i keep u forever?
if i told u my heart was broken wud u try to fix it?
if i told u i was falling inlove,wud u catch me?
if i reach for your hand, wil u hold it?
if i capture ur heart, Will u LOVE ME?