ummmmm... i loVE pLaying the piaNo... watching tv esp.. sTArsTruck.... ummmm.. texting too..... i love camping..... i lyk gHost hunting.... i Love rOmantic prOgrams.... emmmmm..... i love going adventurous sports...... aNo pa baH?????? maRAmi pa eh.... kakatamad mag type Background By Pwn Myspace funny stuff.... boyz.... boyz.... and boyz.... hehe! muah! muah! muah! hmm.. i loveeeeee takin' pictures of mahself!!!!
ummmmm... i'd like to meet people who are fun to be with,,,, ummmm.... kind, cute, intelligent,,, smart,,,, laging andyan pag may problem ako/// ummmmmmm.... understanding... tsaka ung may good deeds sa lyf..... Background By Pwn Myspacei wanna meet all gorgeous BRAINY men!!!! can carry an intelligent conversation and can be able to add lil bit of humor in it.=) By the way, if u claim to be brainy but just wanted to have sex...hmm =/ wheres ur brain located???! iz it under your pants???!! duh!oh well...i think its impossible to meet the one i exactly want to meet. Every person naman po eh may kanya kanyang maipag mamalaki. Maybe we're just lucky if we meet the person we really want to meet. And i think no matter how high our standards iz... when we meet the person that iz really for us, there will always be an excemption.ayt??I guess I better start describing those people whom i NEVER want to meet..again. I DONT WANNA MEET GUYZ NA WALANG IBANG ALAM KUNDI PAMBOBOLA PROMISES (broken promises naman) SEX If ur one of them then u better fuck off!!!ok heres mah e-add [email protected] so that YOU won't have to keep on sending me msgs asking me to add u..AGAIN HERES MY EMAIL ADD [email protected]
i lOve mEllow mUsic,,, rNb.... unG kakatouCh@@!!!!!!! i lOve the songs of Cueshe.... Hale..... Spongecola..... marami paNG iba!!!! mY favorite songs are::: ^kUng wAla ka... by hAle ^uNtitled.... by siMple pLAn ^my sACrifice.... by the cReed ^out oF my lEague... by stEpHen sPeaks ^fOr all of my Life.... rEvived by mYmp.. ^sTay..... bY cuesHE.............un LAng mUna...... ++++ Background By Pwn Myspace
ummmmm........ mArami poe akong FavoRIte MoviES ehhhhhhh... ^^^^^^^anD heRE arE sOme of tHose...^^HArry pOTTer sEries 1,2,3&4 ^^The dAy afTer toMorrOw.... ^^tHe gRudge ^^tHe riNG 2 ^^eye!! ^^tHe hAunted oFFice ^^tHe hAunting... ^^enemy at the gates ^^wAr of the woRlDS... ^^pIRAtES OF THe CaRRIBeAN I Background By Pwn Myspace
UMMMmm.... ^^jEwEL in the PaLace.... ^^sugo!!!! ^^sAd Love sOng.... ^^1st love of a roYaL pRince... ^^fushigi yuugi ^^nAruto!!!! ^^fRuits Basket!!! ^^g....t ....o... ^^eTheriA ^^Le rObe... ^^deAR boys........mArami pAng iba?? Background By Pwn Myspace ngel%20sanctuary.jpgummmm..... ^^hArry PoTTer seRies 1,2,3,4 ^^tHe AlChemist ^^50 gReat gHost s ^^Wuthering heights ^^JAne Eyre ^^ViLLete ^^ THe ApoCalypse ^^RoMEo And JULIEt ^^THe TemPest ^^WHisPers at Midnight ^^Solo ^^Rip Van WiNklemArami panG iBA Background By Pwn Myspace
Background By Pwn Myspace