By Christina Aguilera"Lovely" GANGSTALearning
*All mediums*.....MUSIC....Scribbling,Reading,Writing,Listening,W
holeness Seminars,Continuing ED,Videoing,Studying that video,watching life through its own eyes** Getting tattooed...studying the individual so confident to color me for the rest of my life.Fitness...excitement in the doing...Getting There!! Yeah! Climbing,Stretching,Getting dirty and meditative RUNNING**
The ENERGY of meeting new people..the initial eye contact,smile,short nervous conversations and then the flow. Trickle effect.
Bodywork/Massage..physical touch is necessary for my Nanny instilled it in me..she loved me constant..physically..brushing my hair off my face, tickling my neck, stroking my eyelashes & eyebrows,holding me in the rocking chair.It molded my life and life needs..physical touch in its most natural state is HEALING. Being able to give that away everyday is a gift which is immediately used as energy for me. Love the eating of good food after a hard run.
People that say Please and Thank You. Happy People. Strong beautiful spirit, music, creature, child, tattoo loving people. Passionate people..passion for anything..turn me on to something new..teach me.***A donkey with a load of holy books is still a donkey." *** TRADITIONAL SUFI SAYING
*** "Man makes holy what he believes, as he makes beautiful what he loves." *** Ernest Renan (1823-1892), FranceMUSIC ♥ Lots & Constant. Driven...riffs for the big PUSH*** Conscious.... slow my busy head,refocus & come back to my place in this life*** And, absolutely, of course, happy to be with smiley friends,laughing,loving,sharing this thing we know as our life MUSIC...favorite people ARE music...I love my favorite people...*** "Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility." *** Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), Austria***** "Listen to the sound of the river and you will catch a trout." ***** Irish Proverb
***"First know who you are and adorn yourself accordingly."*** Epictetus (55-c.135), Greece****** "Life lives on life. We all eat and are eaten. Forgetting this, we weep; remembering this, we nourish one another." ***** THE BUDDHA (c.563-c.483 BC),India
*** "As long as a word remains unspoken, you are it's master; once you utter it, you are it's slave."*** Solomon Ben Judah (c. 1021-c.1058), SpainMy Bro, my first ever love...I miss you...forever!I shall never be the same. Just as I loved you, you left. Walk with me. Guide me in. R.G.C. 1969-2003ALL the people that have intersected my life and shared learned wisdom. ALL of you who have given it freely, so that I might have insight, Bless You. I am very much aware of the ditch that has my name on it.