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..checked out ..

About Me

If you want to see more of me go to www.JESENSKY.comwell every though i truly believe that no one reads this area of the profile here on myspace, i still decided to write something, by now you should know my name is jonathan jesensky, and thank you for visiting my page. me myself, i am from Boone County Kentucky, and i am very proud of this, i love all my family and friends from kentucky and will never say anything different. i model, do graphic design, and carpentry work... i manage to stay extremely busy but love and value all the time i have to spend with the ones i love. i am straight, i am not gay... dont ask me if i am gay, this question gets very tiresome, i am single and have been for a while now, i am very bad to speak with women, although you may find it hard to believe i am actually a very closed door shy person, i pride myself on my honor, intelligence, and creativity... if i tell you i will do something just consider it done. Other than that i am very simple person, yet i can be complicated at times... no patients for ignorance, liars, or cheaters, so if those words describe you dont bother... and also if you are going to send me a thanks for the add comment dont bother, i will not approve it, especially if it is of half naked men, again i am not gay, i dont judge, so if you are this it is fine, but dont push your views off on me... thanks you, any other questions just ask... My website, built by me, designed by me... feel free to check it out and let me know your thoughts. some people just think we are off sun bathing, and at the gym... if only my life was so simple...

My Interests

Pref Magazine, this was an interview i did for a the French mag, i remember it distinctly being as the person who was interviewing me was such a great person. Oh Joe Oppedisano, some of my favorite images i have ever done where with Joe, a great person, and a great eye for photography, this was officially the first photoshoot i ever did in NYC to never be forgotten. and good golly miss molly a Kafka quote, which speaks for its self entirely, inner knowledge and peace is the only way to truly battle the demons. Steve Henry and Fred Goudon, two totally different photographers and people capturing me in two totally different lights The Myth the Legend, Steve Henry, the very first photoshoot i had ever done Texas 2004, when i first met steve immediately we hit it off, this person is by far one of the best people i have meet along my adventure through life, with a heart the size of the sun, his love and friendship help me even today to achieve things i would have never been able to do alone. Steve Henry, helping me reach the kingdom

I'd like to meet:

James Dean,"live as if you will die today, and dream as if you will live forever" an amazing individual, and you got to love the the go F*ck yourself cartoons... Steve Henry, Josh Johnson, and myself, the kids at work maybe, or just another day in the hood down south Houston Texas, good hearted, inspirational people in my life. This collection of images was shot in my Living room, with the motivators, Roy and Reco, then it was just a matter of running them through the mill. Forevero Perfume campaign, Shot 2005, Los Angeles, the beautiful women is actually a statistics professor at a undisclosed college in L.A., just a fun fact. just a collection of images i threw together, mostly Steve Henry photos, with the one Joe Oppedisano image.Inspiration now, seems harder to come by day after day, oh the days of Doctor Seuss when inspiration was true blue, and life was simple.Art is a huge part in my everyday life, from carpentry to graphic design, everything takes a role and plays a part, i guess in the end i would simple say i am a struggling artist.Self Expression the only way to live your everyday, today is another day to change the world, society.Overall i am just an ordinary person attempting to do extraordinary things, i am interested in meeting inspiring people that have good hearts, and bring good energy. I tend to stay rather busy with all the different projects i have going on, so when i do have the time, or take the time to do something i want to be in the company of great people, and great conversation. I may not be anything special, but this is what i look for in everyone, the specialness that no one sees.


Oh Pink Floyd, reminding me everyday of the joys of my wasted youth, along with every other type of music from country to classical, rap to rock, pearl jam, to Eazy E. Music is a everyday inspiration, changing the mood of everything, it is a true soundtrack to life.


Drumbums, a great group of guys, Sharky and Anthony, along with the rest of the kids, welcomed me with open arms in Vegas for the magic show, and they will always have a friend or a place to stay in NY, or where ever it may be that i go. thank you all


Thank you Jason for putting me on to Afro Samurai, taking a artist talent and adding in one of my favorite actors for voice over, you cant go wrong, always entertaining, and smile raising. Scorched, the motivators, Roy and Reco, together we are doing things everyday that i thought i would never do in my life time, we are three totally different people that at a glance have nothing in common, yet deep down have everything to share. They are my NY family, business partners and future.


Trapped in the anguish of life, and the burden of society fighting only for financial freedom and make maybe a slight different in the people i meet along my path. May my light burn bright so that others may only join a path that makes their light that much brighter. Image taken in Woodland Hills, LA by a dear and close friend of mine first thing in the morning, it is one of my favorite photos that i have ever had taken nothing professional all though she may argue differently. then just shipped through the mill.


Everyday, all day, this is the true story of my life, Forgotten, remember by some, forgotten by most, overlooked by the general, between the military and always moving, keeping contact becomes harder and harder. SHO NUFF, the last dragon, if you ever need some smiles in your life, and some good old fashion cheese, this movie is for you. a non stop great sound track, and amazing plot makes this NY based movie a top ten favorite. Field concert long ago, best live performance ever witnessed, best overall concert ever attended.

My Blog

work, what pays the rent

Just wanted to post this actually for my mom to be able to come and see it, being as they have internet now at home... but also to let everyone know who thinks that models are just off at the gym and ...
Posted by jonathan on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 02:02:00 PST

i apologize

Apology: In interpersonal manners, an acceptance of responsibility for a wrong, plus a pledge to change one's ways. The wrong may be either intentional or accidental; an apology is fitting in either ...
Posted by jonathan on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 06:10:00 PST

what was i thinking

i dont what made the guru and myself get the camara out... "new material" but this is just some of the results...i think that it speaks for itself...jonathan...
Posted by jonathan on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 08:26:00 PST


Some things are just best left to be said by the true geniuses& Somehow their descriptions can always be reflected towards today&   Oh! that my young life were a lasting dream! My spirit not...
Posted by jonathan on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:10:00 PST

Frozen toes, snow...ouch

Ah, Sunday mornings, I am not sure what it is about this day of the week, that when I wake up and think about what happened in the week of passing that all I can do is relax and be lazy.  Don...
Posted by jonathan on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 09:12:00 PST

morning of passing

I truly believe that writing is away to vent emotion, and to try to help yourself find answers...                      ...
Posted by jonathan on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:44:00 PST

my nipples hurt

So between running the 10k yesterday and the again today along with the share of jump rope I did, it is safe to say that the next time I embark in such a cardio journey I am definitely going to have...
Posted by jonathan on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 08:03:00 PST

get out of my head!

Trust: 1. Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing. 2. Custody; care. 3. Something committed into the care of another; charge.   Taking into consideration...
Posted by jonathan on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 10:39:00 PST


Is Mercury in retrograde or what?     Day to day thoughts run through my head of different inner turmoil.  Between the past events in my life that are never forgiving, to the decisions...
Posted by jonathan on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 10:06:00 PST


Disclaimer: Please before continuing to read any of this post if you are offended by sexual topics, conversation, or vulgar language... i warn you to stop, although the overall perspective of the blog...
Posted by jonathan on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 09:40:00 PST