Hello everybody, thanks for stopping by. I'm a father of two beautiful girls "skylar and Lily." I love being a dad more than anything, next comes, Spending time with my Beautiful girlfriend, Fly Fishing, My Quad, and pursuing my dream to be an actor, I am currently living in New York City, I am on the road to becoming an actor and I am praying for the best to come of it, I want to see where it will take me, Why not?,I spent 4 1/2 years in the Marine Corps doing all kinds of great stuff, SWAT, My primary weapon was a rocket Launcher (a.k.a. the S.M.A.W.) got to blow up all kinds of cool things and frieken loved it. I am a gentle but can still kick the ever living crap out of you too :) I prefer to have everybody as my friend instead of my enemy. I have surrendered my life to Jesus and have faith that he will guide me through life and help me make the right decisions, If you all know me I am far from perfect but try hard to better myself every day, God Bless :)Check out my website by Jim Henson: WWW.MATTPERELLI.COMwww.MySpace-Codes.us to pimp your Myspace profile">
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