AwesomeBillFromDawsonville profile picture



About Me

I'm Colin.I have played guitar/vocals for Sandpaper Dildo and Mollestanation, and was also the lead vocalist for cerebral rot. I've recently moved from Houston to Denton, Texas. I am currently looking to start, or join another band in my area(something heavy as fuck, no bullshit, dirty south death metal). I have a pretty shitty work schedule, but there is always a way to work around that. Thats all, you can go do what computers were designed for and look at porn now.

My Interests

Metal.Sex.Rap.Beer.(in that order)Playing guitar,screaming,growls,gurgles,grunts,burps, and something that sounds like a giant frog being disemboweled.Pimpin, Meditation, Not smoking crack,trying to stay sober. Mexcellence stackin paper, pullin capers, gettin brain from a tight dame on north main in tha turnin lane, drawing,sippin on pints of that purple oil, and guiness, getting mad at groceries, Green Oaks hospital, Being happy, being depressed, pooping, cereal, thick-ass ribeye steaks, working out when I'm not too tired, and of course porn. Exciting, isnt it?


If it wasn't for death metal, I'd be smoking crack in a tent. Also some hardcore, and rap/good hip hop....that's right bitch. Skrate Reppin tha dirty 3rd. Screwed Up Click for life. I enjoy anything that doesnt suck. a href=" 9ybmZpZWxkc2xhbQ==" target="">


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Television is an evil tool invented by "the man" to control our thoughts and keep us complacent, so that we don't worry to much about what's really going on in the world around us...............I like to watch adult swim though. a href=" 9tL215X2x1dl9pc19saWtlX3RoZWJlYWNo" target="_blank">


KURT VONNEGUT....... Shaving the inside of your skull, experience strength and hope, a terrible beauty, the art of war, the davinci code, Gods breath, cell, I Ching, hustler..........


Jesus, Satan, Buddah, myself, and ron jeremy

My Blog

15 days

15 days......It doesnt sound like a very long time does it? half of a month; a relativley short period of time. When you're a fucking dopefiend such as myself, it feels like an eternity. I'm on medica...
Posted by AwesomeBillFromDawsonville on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 03:23:00 PST


Well............. If anybody knows or gives a damn, the past 2 weeks have been the first(hopefuly of many more) paydays that I havent spent any money on rediculous amounts of dope. Its nice having som...
Posted by AwesomeBillFromDawsonville on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 10:58:00 PST

If you didnt know.......

I am alive and well. And to my fellow kroger whores, I should be returning soon, clear-headed and healthy. Thanks to those of you who gave a shit......... you know who are. That is all.  &nb...
Posted by AwesomeBillFromDawsonville on Tue, 27 May 2008 06:34:00 PST