The color green: Mickey Mouse: Marilyn Monroe: JFK: Gorgeous things: Expensive things: Cherries: YOgurt: Strawberries: Clothing: Beautiful Women: Beautiful Men: Life: Laughter: Family: Friends: Love: Wealth:
I would love to meet Angelina Jolie, Colin Farrell, Naomi Lenoir (my favorite model), Nicole Richie, Shemar Moore, Halle Berry, T.I. (my favorite rapper), Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman, Whoopi Goldburg, Oprah, and other beautiful, talented, dream making indivisuals....I want to also meet real indivisuals that stand up for what they believe in and have a goal in life that they want to obtain....
I love all styles of music from country to rap from hip hop to pop. It doesn't really matter what it is as long as it has a meaning behing the song. Im in love with Beyonce' as of right now, I like the Fergie London Brigdes song also. Justin Timberlake knew my plan for the world that's why he made the Bringing Sexy Back song.
I like mystery movies and scary movies, movies that make you think..I like the movie Cleopatra, with Elizabeth Taylor, there can be no other....I sometimes like to watch funny movies. I also like to watch comedies. I love the movie Crash, Basic Instinct 2, Alexander, Gladiator. I'm an action movie watching kind of guy!!!!
I like reality TV, America's Next Top Model is my favorite....maybe its because I will be working with a lot of models....( I love you Naima, maybe you can model for me?!?!) I do like American Idol but I was displeased this season after my favorite contestant left the show (Mario) so yea...I love Nip/Tuck....I like Desperate House Wives....I like I Wanna Be a Soap Star....Because I do want to be a soap star haha....I like Real World, I don't really care for Road Rules.. I'm going to try and be on the Real World one day but if they cast me on the Road Rules I would be the biggest asshole ever because all that damn work they have to do is too much for me...and if I'm on the Real World I would be the only one to confront people exactly, I don't do that whole talk about someone behind their back, its petty and if you have the guts to say it the first time don't back out and say it the second time....
My favorite book is the Da Vinci Code....Enough said.
A career is a funny thing; However long it lasts, make sure you have something to show for it. -Elizabeth Taylor