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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Music, *photography*, **squat parties**, rockin out, and having a fucking wicked time in London. Psytrance psytrance psytrance.. :) My true passion in life is spending time with the people that I love.
I..m always up for meeting people. ;)
Psytrance, reggae, rock, punk, ska, metal, classic rock, etc... I'm really digging psytrance right now though. Rinkadink, Hallucenogen, Growling Mad Scientist, Psychedelic Madness, Sutekh, Sinewave, Netto, Digoa, Kanan, Shane Gobi, the list goes on. Sublime is my favorite band ever. Bob Marley is an inspiration to us all (except for the fact that he killed himself). System of a Down, NIN, Metallica. Have to love Cafe Del Mar. Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Weezer, Green Day, Talamasca, Bob Dylan, Doors, Guns ..n.. Roses, Aerosmith.
Don't like dramas and chick flicks much, but everything else I can dig. I really like horror movies and anything that has a lot of explosions. Blow, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (and the rest of the Jay and Silent Bob movies), The Ring, Lord of the Rings series, Braveheart, Kevin and Perry Go Large, Don..t be a Menace to South Central while drinking your Juice in the Hood, Underworld. Pretty much anything with Brad Pitt because he always gets to play the most wicked roles in movies such as Troy, Fight Club, Seven, Twelve Monkeys, Snatch, The Devil..s Own, Meet Joe Black, and you can..t forget he was in Cool World (if anyone knows this movie I..ll be quite surprised). Even in Legends of the Fall which admittably isnt a good film Brad still tears his brothers heart out of his chest after dieing in front of him in a war scene, tell me thats not cool.
Jessica Alba is fucking hot ---
I really like oldschool shit like Simpsons. Family Guy and Futurama kick ass. Mash was the best show ever. Fuck American Idol, Ryan Seacrest is a fucking twat and should die a horrible death. Simon is cool though.
My favorite book is The Art of War. It doesn..t get any better than that.
"men have less scruple in offending one who makes himself loved than one who makes himself feared; for love is held by a chain of obligation which, men being selfish, is broken whenever it serves their purpose; but fear is maintained by a dread of punishment which never fails." - Niccolo Machiavelli