art, bikes, camoflauge, wasting
money and time, wishing i had
more money and time.
street promotion...
YSB, 40Thieve$
hard stares with soft hearts
eternal reward
shoplifters of the world unite and takeover
...tonight, we ride...
Rza, Brand Nubian, Biggie, Big L,
Showbiz & AG, Pete Rock, Nas,
Nore, JayDee, SlumVillage, MadLib,
MF Doom, Mos, Talib, Kanye,
9th Wonder, Premeir, 50, Dre,
DipSet, KaySlay, Three 6 Mafia,
Project Pat, Hollertronix, Stax
Blues, Howlin' Wolf, James Brown,
Bohannon, Ol' school Funk, Jazz,
Coltrane, Mingus, Thelonious,
Sun Ra, Sonny Rollins, Blue Note,
Roy Ayers, Ron Carter, Donald Bird,
Serge Gainsbourg, R&B, DanceHall,
King Tubby, Dub, Wackie's dub,
Trojan ska & dub, the Specials,
the Selektor, 2tone, Black Flag,
the Misfits, Absolution, Cro-mags,
Warzone, Leeway, Sick of It All,
NYxHC, Minor Threat, Burn,
Born Against, Rorschach, Eye For
An Eye, Wrecking Crew, Quicksand,
Dead City, Kraftwerk, Frankie Bones,
Adam X, Lenny Dee, Adult, Richie
Hawtin, Thomas Brinkman, Kompakt,
Yam Who, 2many Dj's, LCD Sound
System, Black Dice, DFA, the Slits,
Gang of Four, the Stranglers, Autolux,
Blonde Readhead, Blood on the Wall,
Buzzcocks, Deerhoof, Joy Division,
the Walkmen, the Weird War, the
Scene Creamers, the Make Up, the
Nation of Ulysses, Pavement,
Hot Snakes, White Magic, Quintron,
Stooges, T.Rex, everything & anything
that sounds good.
"The whole conviction of my life now rests upon the belief that loneliness,
far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, is the central and inevitable
fact of human exictence." -Thomas Wolfe, "Gods Lonely Men"...opening
quotation from the movie, Taxi Driver.
City of God. Mishima: A Life in Four Parts.
dir.Luc Besson's Le Femme Nikita, The Big
Blue & The Professional. The Fast Runner.
dir. Wong Kar Wai's Chung King Express,
Fallen Angels & 2046. Blade Runner,
Apocalypse Now. dir.Jim Jarmusch's
Stranger Than Paradise & Down by Law.
The Warriors.
I mostly like movies about loneliness,
desperation, violence, the future & unlikely
city of men (Cidade Dos Homens), lost, simpfelds,
phantom gourmet, adult swim & pbs
the Fountainhead, Master and the Magarita, Dune,
Joseph Campbell, Ayn Rand & William Gibson
Live young, die fast.