CURRENT MOON lunar phase
Loving and being loved. Doing exactly what I want to do when I want to do it! Under the sea. Planning my escape. Flexibility. Finding that happy place. Peace. Skindiving, (on land and sea), how to stop aching feet after a night of dancing, poi, camping, instant gratification, cooking, crocheting...trying new music & DID I SAY DANCING?? Traveling taking pictures, the sea, scuba divin..and shite talkin, people and how they live, organized chaos & people watching, more DANCING!! craniosacral treatments & herbal remedies, massage oil & at home "treatments", cooking with green butter & eating & eating & eating... beaching & sunning, breathing & relaxing, enjoying the restaurants, bikes...(harleys) sleeping soundly, bon fires & marshmellow roasting, third eye visions, my garden, my husband and wifey hehehehe....
Moon Goddess, by Amy Brown
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.â€
— Unknown
Sexy crazy bitches.
People with something to say & tell it like it is.
People who can keep up!
"I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what it is too deep to find words for." ~Ruth St. Denis
frida, babel, requiem for a dream, crash, dark days, donnie darko, when we were kings, nobody knows, old boy, garden state, the notebook (sucker for cheesy and seductive love stories) dirty dancing, unfaithful, closer, eternal sunshine, dangerous beauty, best in show, pulp fiction, kill bill movies, blow, 21 grams, any suggestions?? I know that I have many movies to see!
Photo by Adonis Werther
Da Ali G Show, Grey's Anatomy, The Office (bbc), Curb Your Enthusiasm, Sex and the City, Six Feet Under, Taxi Cab Confessions, Weeds. Travel, Discovery, Food Network
Bringing Down the House, The Alchemist, All the Pretty Horses, All Souls, Da Vinci Code, We the Living, Still Life with Woodpecker, The Web that has No Weaver, Fight Club, Virgin Suicides, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Doors of Perception, Stiff, Memoirs of A Geisha....
mom and dad & my little sis who knows far more than I..the makers of power pellets...creators in general, those who find what I have lost
My Eternal Guardian Angel