Games of chance.
Creepy people, people who hate people, the first people to 69, people with Netflix accounts, insomniacs, and the insanely sane. That's where you're legally insane, but really you know what you're talking about. I'd also like to meet someone that can prove me wrong on everything because the things I'm right about suck and I wish weren't true. Mostly anyone worth meeting is dead because at this point very few can think for themselves. The coolest people I have ever touched were Andrew Dice Clay when I high-fived him with both hands and I shook Jim Norton's hand and told him he did a good job and he did because that was the greatest head I ever got. I've also met a lot of baseball and hockey players. The best was John Rocker. I told him he was my favorite player and he thanked me for the support. Then he undressed me with his eyes. Anyone who behaves like an adult and has integrity is fine by me. It was cool meeting Ron Bennington because he called me a tough guy.
powered by frazy.comI also like playing Phil Collins songs backwards because he worships Satan.What A Police Man Does Presented By TV Funhouse-----He makes sure the people are safe and directs traffic. Later he pushes the subway to make it move. After that he paints the stripes on the candy canes, then he puts out the fires. At 3:00 he jumps into the East River, then jumps back out. After that he dances around his office naked. Then he cries himself to sleep, then he takes a jelly break. And before he goes home he shoots the governor. Now I'll tell you what he doesn't do. He doesn't control the weather, that's a chefs job.
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Again these all got deleted by The Machine. I'll try to remember them all. Now, in no particular order: Travis Bickle, Patrick Bateman, Lester Burnham, Tyler Durden, Edmond Burke, Alex from A Clockwork Orange, Marv from Sin City, John McClane, Stagger Lee, Ryan O'Reily, the characters Morgan Freeman plays in movies, Trey Parker & Matt Stone, Bill Hicks, Lenny Bruce, Jim Norton, Sam Kinison, Ron Bennington, David Zucker, Joel McHale, Bat Boy from Weekly World News, whatever malfunctioned on JFK Jr.'s plane, EvelDick, Luke Helder, The Zodiac Killer, Jack the Ripper, anyone who achieves their life goals, anyone who makes an ultimate sacrifice, and anyone who makes me not want to hang myself from the bleachers. Freddy Four Fingers is the coolest person I have ever met. My dad is pretty cool too especially for a midget lover. Bobby-Robert is my boss and my bestfriend.