MerelyHuman profile picture


Associations Unorthodox

About Me



Phishing scams, online survey companys, Ringtones sites, and any other company that pisses me off, this is fair warning if any of you actually read this...
1. Nobody reads your spam, and if they do they report it. 26 out of 29 profiles I've received spam from have been deleted by myspace admins in the past two weeks alone.
2. You get good people's profiles deleted who don't even know they've been hijacked or why they can't login to myspace anymore. If you like making money you're not going to do it by leaving nothing but devestation in your wake.
3. You're ruining social networking for everybody. Where will you peddle your stuff when nobody gives these sites their time of day? How do you feel about not having a real job anyways?
4. Anything you send me, through comments or messages, can and will be published.
5. If I find out which companies you represent I will get every one of them delisted from GOOGLE's index--FAST. I will take up a personal crusade against everything you've ever touched. Your name will go on I will publish the case studies of your company's demise, naming names, permanently to the internet for all the world to laugh at. You have been warned. You will be tried in a jury of your betters.
P.S. My domains are immune to your denial of service threats.
P.P.S. I know many of my friends aren't guilty of originating the spam that comes from their accounts. Before I report spam coming from you I will email you to let you know your account has probably been hijacked and to change yer damn password. This is usually enough to fix things. Only after repeated messaging and no responses will I finally report your account as spam. It WILL be deleted btw. MYSPACE is cracking down HARD. So if you get a message from me that says you need to change your password, do it.

Commence Bio...

I'm Ty. Blonde haired, blue eyed optimistic fitness freak. Aspiring. Curious. Creative. Self assured. At times, Silly. I'm a Dreamer for the cause. Aquarian to a T, Ty is looking for world citizens to meet.
I know exactly what I want out of life without becoming obsessive with the details or inflexible about the outcomes.

Tyler Trivia

I hope this doesn't read too much like a kindergarten Self poem (Or maybe more things should read like kindergarten poetry?):
+ I am a well-intentioned head trip
+ I am a an architect to the core
+ Life is art. Art is life.
+ I'm not ignoring you, I'm thinking
+ You probably can't guess what I'm thinking about
+ If it doesn't contribute to society, it deserves to die.
+ If it takes too much from society, it's already dyeing.
+ On any given day I wake up either a writer or an editor. Never both.
+ Sometimes impossible to get a hold of, even if we're sitting on the couch together.
+ I'm blushing on the inside.
+ Bathroom jokes gross me out
+ I hate standing in line
+ Karma is a real. I can prove it.
+ To some religion is a grand design, to me grand design is a religion. (Thanks for quoting me on that David. Kisses.)
+ Attracted to blind ambition.
+ My heart is a shrine to pragmatism.
+ The world will always be bigger than you. Change it from the the bottom up.
+ You don't matter, except in your relationship to others. Feeling small? Now you know why.
+ We're all players in a big cosmic orgasm where the final outcome is more or less predetermined but whoever brings it home is left up to free will.
Admission of weakness: I sometimes get ahead of myself.

My Interests

*Bolded is what really gets my blood racing atm

adventure, advertising, aquarius, artificial intelligence, athletes, beach, blogs, boys, business, california, consulting, creativity, culture, design, desparate housewives, internal drive, europe, fashion, fitness, gay, generation y, globalism, google, gym, high-tech, hot showers with this boy , humanism, good investments, kissing, magazines, making out, massage, meeting new people, newspapers, ocean, optimism, painting, parties, politics, psychology applied, publishing, queers, robots, running, sacramento, san fransisco, selling, sex, slim boys, smallville, sociology applied, writing, youth

My Vox hottness is on

Sign Up Now

I'd like to meet:

I love people of all sorts and wish I could make friends with everyone. Pettiness is a major turnoff. It takes a lot to ruffle my feathers though, and I can't hold a grudge overnight. You'll find that I'm a exceedingly good listener. I am sweet to a fault and I don't take advantage of people's vulnerabilities, although I readily take advantage of their potential. WATCH OUT! I have a cold intolerance for sustained bullshit and I can hold my own when egos collide.

You and I will hit it off if:

- You're upbeat, cheerful, funny and love to smile
- You have diverse interests and a "variable setting" personality. Meaning you know when to kick back and when to kick it up a notch!
- You're lean and toned, cute or just plain charming
- We can help eachother become better people.

Make something happen. Also, if you message me from a Private profile, I won't be able to reply back until you add me as a friend. (I can't add you because chances are I don't know your last name.) Thanks.

Email: [email protected]
Yahoo IM: xmerelyhumanx

P.S.: Yes, I am 22.


Scissor Sisters, Sigur Ros, Postal Service, Buddha Bar, Basement Jaxx, Hooverphonic, Moby, The Cranes, VNV Nation, Incubus, Radiohead, Coldplay, Savage Garden, Placebo, Pearl Jam, Tool, Red Hot Chili Peppers


Books - East of Eden, How I Learned to Snap, Book of Five Rings, Guns Germs & Steel, The Tipping Point, Socrates Cafe, The Substance of Style; Mags - Out, Vitals, Details, XY, Fast Company, Worthwhile


My Mom for always being there for me, Seth Godin for being a nonpareil of free agency, Donald Trump because he has the balls to live life on his own terms, Kirstie Alley for having a sense of humor about herself, Google for taking on the big boys and being a model business for the 21st century, Firefox for organizing a real-life movement, and MOST ESPECIALLY the under-recognized innovators and research scientists of the world who work behind the scenes to advance society forward.

My Blog

When "Undecided" Trumps "Straight" or "Gay"

You might have noticed, as I have, the steadily growing number of people who don't identify as being either "straight" or "gay", and put down "not sure" as their sexual orientation. Most people would ...
Posted by MerelyHuman on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 07:03:00 PST

Why emo girls get no love...

Are you a girl who identifies as emo? You'll enjoy this. Karma Police offers an explaination and a solution in her new article at the recently updated House of Emo Community. Hilarious. Till next t...
Posted by MerelyHuman on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 10:51:00 PST

It's Here...

Well, my real "profile" is here. And so is saturday! I didn't get a wink of sleep over at my friend Jordan's house last night because he snores like darth vader. Resolved to finally post some info...
Posted by MerelyHuman on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Hello my friends.

Boy how did I get all these friends?!! Where did they all come from? I'm almost certain thirteen friends is ten or twelve too many and this is only the tip of the iceberg if this is what network effec...
Posted by MerelyHuman on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST