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About Me

Check out some killer black/thrash metal - OUTRAGE (Ger)http://www.hot.ee/outrage/Some facts: they started in 1983, did 4 killer demos, some live terrors (Poison warmed them up in 1985 and made "Live Terror" tape from that gig). And now they are back for attack!
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My Interests


Black/death/thrash/speed/doom metal: Bathory, Venom, Sodom, Mefisto, Vulcano, Sarcofago, Christblood, Beherit, Evoked Doom, Outrage (Germany, the ancient black/death band), Insulter, Genocidio, Parabellum, Blasfemia, Death "Infernal Death" demo, Necrophagia "Ready for death" demo, Hellhammer "Triumph of death" demo, Morbid Angel ca 1986, Incubus, Xecutioner/1st Obituary, Malfeitor, Majesty, Dead Conspiracy, Darkness L.A., Slaughter Lord "Taste of Blood" demo, Rytmihäiriö etc etc Non metal: The Beatles, ABBA, The Doors, The Misfits, Joe Dassin, Vaya Con Dios, 22-Pistepirkko, Blacky, Võssotski etc


Forrest Gump, The Crow


Sinuhe, DaVinci Code, Norwegian Wood, Angels and Demons etc


You must be kidding, right?