Mark profile picture


When you have a fat friend there are no see-saws. Only catapults.

About Me

Ask me a question. I'll try to be as honest as possible about myself, which I suppose would be 100%, right? Hopefully, anyone else would extend me the same courtesy. That to me is a good friend.

My Interests

Staying up for no reason, partaking of my friends' company, watching movies with a point, doing the weekend thing, contemplating the meaning of it all, football (glorious football), going to a concert now and again, music and balancing the volume dial so as not to wake anybody up, and plotting the escape of a lifetime.

I'd like to meet:

Pretty much anyone at this point. I tend to keep an open mind, and despite everything else that has gone on with me, I have a moderate tolerance for shenanigans.....


Look on the screen to your right.And then look below for about 52 minutes....


I think I'll wait until The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button or The Road to see another movie. Nothing out there is peaking my interest.


Really, the only things I watch are football and It's Always Sunny at this point. Everything else pales in comparison (except for when Lost comes back on next year).


I need to read more. Honestly, it's something I'm not proud of......I think I'll read The Road as my next selection, but I'm down for any comparable suggestions.


My family, my friends, and Batman. I mean, he's friggin' Batman, people! Who wouldn't want to meet him!?

My Blog


"This is a song about life, death, love, hate, wealth, poverty, racism... just a few things been runnin' through my head..."A twelve minute song is what I'm feeling right now. Constantly changing and ...
Posted by Mark on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 06:47:00 PST


To everyone who attended on Tuesday night to witness all of this, I'm happy to say that I was in esteemed and welcomed company. All of my friends, as it goes without saying, should have at least some ...
Posted by Mark on Fri, 09 May 2008 04:59:00 PST

History Lesson

Before you get started, this is kind of long and I apologize in advance, but I had to get a little detailed to show the significance justice. Cheers.I had a thought this morning as I was having breakf...
Posted by Mark on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 09:34:00 PST


I am going to start this blog off by saying that I haven't been myself lately. I know that I have been going through a rough stretch, and I have cheated some out of a good experience with me due to my...
Posted by Mark on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 10:43:00 PST