First person Bio:I'm 22 year old guitarist/composer from Connecticut (the central nervous system of the music industry). I have been playing guitar since October 30th of 1999 and since then I have come to realize that there is a lot more music to be created, and that's what I'm working on now. I have been lucky enough to tour with Don Ross, Andy McKee, and Antoine DuFour recently and it has been amazing. I will continue trying to earn fans as I attempt this 'thing' for real with touring, writing, recording, and all that other stuff that comes with trying to play music...blah blah"It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you a rising star on the acoustic guitar scene. Craig D'Andrea is a 22 year old newcomer to the fingerstyle guitar community, but don't let his age fool you! In 2006 Craig placed 3rd in the fingerstyle competition at the Canadian Guitar Festival in Odessa, Ontario. Craig's fresh take on song structure and groove as well as his personal, yet accessible, melodies have found him loyal fans and a recording contract with CandyRat Records. Craig recorded his debut release 'Crazy is Catching' for CandyRat on which he demonstrates technique and ability beyond his years." -Marc Beneteau, LuthierI write what I feel and listen to more music that isn't just acoustic guitar. And...I like to sing, but I suck at it.
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