People in general, alcohol, film, tv, gaming, smoking, programming, being unconscious or asleep and sneezing.
um.... people? no goats please.
Wide wide range from all eras. Except Jazz. Never did work that one out...
Jay and Silent Bob, Matrix, Bill and Ted, Shrek, LOTR, Star Wars, Moulin Rouge, Spiderman, Reqiuem for a Dream, Love Actually, Thing Called Love, Saving Grace, Cube, Superman, Beavis and Butthead do America, Shawshank Redemption, Little Shop of Horrors, Pulp Fiction, Its A Wonderfull Life, Muppets Xmas Carol, Beetlejuice, Fisher King, Amelie, Starship Troopers, Bad Taste, Braindead and a million and one others...
Red Dwarf, Only Fools And Horses, Porridge, The Good Life, Cracker, Bob and Rose, Teachers, Royle Family, Father Ted, Fast Show, The Office.And american: Sopranos, Simpsons, Futurama, Frasier, Cheers, Friends, Malcolm In The Middle, 6 Feet Under, A-Team, knight rider
Anything by Rob Grant and/or Doug Naylor, Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy and anything else by Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett's Discworld, Mr Nice, Ian Banks (specially Complicity), Harry Potter
Dave Lister or Howard Marks, depending how active I'm feeling...