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All things flow to the whim of the Great Magnet

About Me

I live in the S.F. Bay Area - Cali born and raised. Where the Sun is shinin ~ the drinks are flowin ~ the Loons are ragin ~ the Metal playin and the women.....sizzlinI Rage 4 life!! Family, Buds, lovely ladies, adventure, tunes - all things that scream weirdness - open mindedness and creativity....these are what is best in life.I am always up for a laugh, a debate or a celebration. Comedy and fun rule my gig. I count myself incredibly blessed to have my wonderful family. My friends that are some of the greatest people that have ever been. I feel beyond lucky to have such an amazing and caring assortment of total ab-normal freaks. These bunch of nut cases with hearts of gold - souls of iron and minds of mental patients mean the world to me.I love to write - and one day will change all things with the written word! Art and Music are the things that bind the universe together for me. I'm happiest when I'm lost in music - slinging paint or wigging out with friends.......I live for live music....concerts - club gigs, really any type of tasty tunes I can't get enough of that. shows are where you can find me mostly. I also tend to go out on the town quite a bit. I'm always up for getting full balls out wild . Life is what you make of it and I choose to make it a complete festival at all times and in all ways.
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My Interests

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I don't know where to, art, comedy, literature, creativity, bikes. movies, concerts, club shows, traveling. new experiences, theater, history and a plethora of others that seem to just appear

I'd like to meet:

People that are real ~ I'm looking for open minded friends ~ those that seek adventure and get that life is meant to be lived to the fullest with Humor, Heart, Soul, truth, Friendship, honor, beauty, understanding, music and magick


Way too many to even try to list. Music is true Magick and the most wondrous thing in life. 83bb190422f15114d3c517d7c95d.gif" BORDER="0" /


Old skool horror movies ( Monestrous Movie/Creature Features) Tim Burton - Tarentino - Craven - Hitchcock - Coppolia - Kevin Smith - Fear and Loathing - Conan - Dazed and Confused - The Crow - Raising Arazona - 12 o’clock high - Fight Club - The Prophecy - Lost Boys - Bachelor Party - Evil Dead - Clockwork Orange- Big Trouble in little China - This is Spinal Tap - True Romance - Murder By Death - Pink Panther films - Fallen - Star Wars - All Disney - Ladyhawk - The Tolkin Movies - Kull - Something about Mary - Raiders 1+3 - The Muppits - Exorcist - Omen - Full Metal Jacket - Outlaw Josie Wales - Fast Times - Weird Science - 16 Candles - Dogma - Psycho - Wrath of Kahn - Heavy Metal - The Doors - Pirates of the Carib. - The works of Godzilla Ten Commandments - The Road Warrior ( and most of Mel's films ) A Christmas Story - Young Frankenstein ( all Pryor and Wielder films ) Mel brooks - The Stooges and Polly Shore!


.. Bling MySpace Editor


Slayer - Angel of Death - The Stone - San Fransisco 86 - My first Slayer Show it was outta control!.. width="425" height="355" ..Shakespeare is God - Poe is Christ - and King makes the holy trinity. beyond that there's lovecraft, Ann Rice, Pierse Anthoney, Allan Dean Foster, Tolken, Mark Twain, Isaac Isimov, Fred Suberhugen, Douglas Adams, Dean Koontz, Shelley, Longfellow, Henry, Lord Byron and so many more that just have been's completely hectic


Lobo the Last Czarnian

My Blog


I do not care! I have not an opinion - I could care less - It does not matter at all to me -  I wasn't even paying attention - what's that all about? I'm really on the fence here - It makes no di...
Posted by Chriz on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 07:57:00 PST

Chicken Squawk

I'm wishin Daffy lots a luck....cuz Elmer Fud's a huntin duck and thinking bout a little fricassee....and Bugs Bunny's a friend a mine - I don't wanna feel like Frankinstien - cuz eatin flesh is prett...
Posted by Chriz on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 06:13:00 PST