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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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First things first -- I write the world's most widely read wine and spirits column for Metro International Newspapers, so if you like booze you simply must visit my blog ( Okay, then ... many people say I'm a cross between Fabio and Tom Hanks, but they discount my playful Woody Allen eyes. I'm a strong, rugged, outdoorsy-type, yet extremely in touch with my sensitive side. In fact, lately I've been touching my sensitive side with alarming regularity. I'm a financially secure professional with several dozen post-graduate degrees under my stylish blackbelt. What do I like? Hey, I enjoy moonlit walks along sandy beaches, crying at movies, watching ‘Sex in the City,’ playing with kids, traveling, reading, cooking, cleaning, music, dancing and, most of all, snuggling by the fire at my place in Aspen. I'm spontaneous, yet pragmatic. Playful, yet stoic. Carefree, yet responsible. I'm a non-smoking, non-drinking, drug-free individual, but I'm willing to ‘experiment,’ if that's your fancy. To be honest, I tend to listen too much in conversations and have this aversion to wasting time on televised sports now that I've collected the full set of 'Mad About You' episodes. I have lots of long-range goals and embrace commitment the way other men love power tools.I'm here because I'm recently single. After only five months, my newly ex-girlfriend Rhonda wanted out of our relationship. She claimed I wasn't the same man I was during our two-year courtship ... mainly, I'm just a bit too REAL now. You see, Rhonda and I met and fell in love on the Internet, back when I looked like Brad Pitt and made tons of money as the stomach model for Abs of Steel. Plus, Rhonda got angry when she caught me surfing alternative websites. I told her I wasn't "bi-curious," but that I was simply "buying curios." I've got a thing for knute-carved, free-hand style briar pipes ... so sue me!One more thing: If a catastrophic terrorist attack is imminent, as panicky government officials are constantly reminding us, what the hell is everyone doing on the Atkins Diet?And if that terrorist attack does happen, I feel confident about my chances for survival because I've memorized the instructive lyrics to "Safety Dance."......

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

You ... maybe.......

Radiohead - Airbag (Live @ Jools Holland 1997)

My Blog

Dan on "Nobody Likes a Quitter"

Of the many published wine and spirits writers I've encountered in the line of duty, I am certain I can kick most, if not all, of their asses. As for my book's prospects in the marketplace, the overwh...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 20:18:00 GMT

Order "Nobody Likes a Quitter (and other reasons to avoid rehab)"

Okay, so my book is finally out and getting rave reviews from the likes of Playboy and Maxim. If you want to be wildly entertained (and, really, who doesn't?) I suggest you order it now on
Posted by on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 10:54:00 GMT

An Ode to Dorothy Parker

After a century in business, midnight comes easy to the Algonquin Hotel in Manhattan's midtown. For a spirits writer finishing a research quest, the quiet elegance of the place offers only slightly le...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 00:26:00 GMT

Booze and Lyrics

Hey all-Below some cool song lyrics along with related drink recipes. Enjoy!"So I'll get some Montecristo, and we can all go see the band. Well I may not be a looker, yeah, but I'll help you any way I...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 00:16:00 GMT

Another bit from my book

I was a good half-hour into Alan Thicke's Pool Guy: The E! True Hollywood Story, when it dawned on me that the boundaries of celebrity have been stretched beyond what a sane person might consider reas...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 10:54:00 GMT

Snippet from the book

A few people have requested that I post a teaser from my upcoming book, and since I hate to disappoint, here ya go:TURIN PALACE HOTEL, TURIN, ITALY. LATE AT NIGHT, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5: I never had any r...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 13:57:00 GMT

My book

I sold my first novel, "Nobody Likes a Quitter (and other reasons to avoid rehab)" to Avalon Books. My deadline is March 23rd (wish me luck), and the book is slated for release in mid-November. I hope...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 18:11:00 GMT

Top Movies of 2006

What follows is a list of my favorite films of 2006. While I managed to screen upwards of 160 movies this year, I didn't catch every release, missing out on critically-acclaimed fare such as "The Quee...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 23:07:00 GMT

Who am I?

I am Dan Dunn.Dan Dunn pens a syndicated weekly wine and spirits column, ..The Imbiber,.. for Metro International Newspap, the largest and fastest growing international newspaper in the world. Dan has...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 22:05:00 GMT

Eurotrashed, the grand finale

NEAR A TOWER THAT IS ABOUT TO FALL OVER IN PISA, ITALY. LATER THAT DAY: Anyone meaning to study architecture in Italy should cancel plans ASAP - these clowns are obvious hacks. The tower in Pisa is i...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 12:57:00 GMT