SuSPecT TRuMPs....NEW SONGS profile picture



About Me

PUT YOUR BIO SECTION HERE! ********************* **TRuMPs LuVz ASSi.... AB&AB THATS A LOVE CONNECTION!!! Remember that babe ;).... I LOVE YOU W/ ALL MY HEART AND ILL ALWAYS BE HERE FOR YOU... IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING JUST KNOW THAT MUCH WE HAVE COME A LONG WAY FROM WHERE WE STARTED BUT STILL WE HAVE SO FAR TO GO! CAN'T WAIT TO EMBARK ON THIS JOURNEY WITH YOU...** BiO!!!!! WuSuP eRyBoDY.... iT'z TRuMPs of SuSPecT.... i'M a GeMiNi ( So i GuEss i GoT 2 SiDEz).... i LiVe in HiLO now, but i'M from the WiLd WiLd WesT.... ThaT'z CaLiFoRNiA, OReGoN, WaSHiNGToN & HAWAi'i.... i Go 2 hAwAi'i CoMMuNiTy CoLLeGe EvEN THouGH i BaRELy WeNT 2 HiGH SCHooL (a couple months total).... i WaNNa GeT DeGReeZ iN JoURNaLiSM N LaW.... aLWayZ uP 4 a GooD ARgUMeNT...;)...i LoVE 2 WRiTe & iT DoN'T really MaTTeR WuT iT iS...LyRiCs, PoeMs, ESSays, SCRiPTs, DoN'T MaTTeR LiKe MuTHA FuCKiN' AkON SaiD... BEiNg CReATiVE iZ GReaT & i HaVE THe uPMoST ReSPecT FoR N E oNE DOiN So... PeoPle C mE n THeY AuToMaticaLLy PuT a LaBeL oN Me, AlThough they MiGHT have bEEn RiGhT b4 i AiNT THe SaME MaN/KiD Az I wAz.... iF uRE 1 of uM, My Finger iN THe MiDDlE SuMS uP WhaT i FeeL ABouT u.... YA'll CaN CaLL Me iGNoRaNT BuT 4.0'z SPEaK 4 THeMSeLvEz.... i ReaD a LOt, even Though i HavE SLoWeD DoWN, SHiT i ReaD ThE DicTiONaRy 2.... KNoWN 2 b WiTTy & CHaRMiN'.....hAhA LaDiES....SoRRY TaKeN i LoVE MaKiN PeoPLe LauGH, iT'z SuCH a ReMeDY... AlTHouGH i DoN'T HaVE MuCH PaTiENTcE i FoRCe MySeLF to WAiT iT OuT... PEoPLe HaVE ToLD Me I GoT a SHoRT TeMPeR BuT i'M KooL WiT ERyONe LoNG aZ THeY KooL WiT Me.... i GuEsS i CaN GeT EMoTiONaL... i GuEsS THe RiGHT GiRL CoULD LEaSH Me but i AiN'T FaLLiN EaZy... Me N My GROuP SuSPecT CuMiN uP wE AiN'T GoT THe GaME oN LoCk YeT BuT TaLeNT iZ uNDeNiABlE.... i LoVE Me SuM TaTToo'Z oBViOuSlY.... i HaVe DReAMs n i aM NoT SToPPiN TiL i aCComPLisH wuT i SeT OuT 2 Do.... WHeN i Was A kiD i PRoMiSEd My MaMA tHaT i Was GoNNa GeT HeR a BENZ & i DoN'T GiVe a FuCk WuT i'M a GeT iT FoR HeR.... iT'Z aLL i PRoMiSeD MySeLF i'D Do, Get RiCH By ANy MeaNz.... iT'z CuZ 4 So LoNG aLL i KNeW waS PoVERTy.... ThRouGH My LiFE i'VE sEEN a LoT n DoNE a LoT, BeLiEvE ThaT.... i'M oNE oF THe MoST LoYaL GuYz YoU'll MeeT...ALWayZ DoWN 4 My HoMeBoY'z and My HoMEGiRL'z...4 ReAL THiS iS a FaCT.... i LoVE My FaM aNd CaN'T No BiTCh RePLacE My MaMA oR My SiSTeR.....kNoW THaT... To EvERY1 i LoVE...i C U....n Ya'LL kNOw i LuV Ya'LL... iF YoU WoNDeRiN BoUT N E THiNG ElSE, DoN'T Be SHy GeT @ ME...i'm MeRELy a PeRSoN JuST LiKe YoU.... N i DoN'T BiTE...i PRoMiSE (uNLEss YoU WaNT mE 2...LoL).... TRuMPs A.k.A. MR. TRuMPs TiGHT...n i'M oUT CuZZ
I don't bang for the color or the land. I bang for the principles and for the honor. I'm bangin' for the Westside- this is in my heart, this is how I feel - 2PacKeep talking (writing?) – you’ll think of something to say. The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow. - Bob Marley I believe that everything that you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that's bad, I'm going to suffer from it. But in my mind, I believe what I'm doing is right. So I feel like I'm going to heaven. - 2Pac I am societies child, this is how they made me, and now im sayin what's on my mind and they dont want that. This is what you made me America. - 2Pac The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams - 2Pac if u can't find somethin to live for, you best find somethin to die for The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream - Harry Kemp5 GReaT PoEMz THE ROSE THAT GREW FROM CONCRETE Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet Funny it seems, but keeping it's dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared - Tupac ShakurTHE POWER OF A SMILE The power of a gun can kill and the power of fire can burn the power of wind can chill and the power of a mind can learn the power of anger can rage inside until it tears u apart but the power of a smile especially yours can heal a frozen heartAND 2MORROW Today is filled with anger fuelled with hidden hate scared of being outcast afraid of common fate Today is built on tragedies which no one wants 2 face nightmares 2 humanities and morally disgraced Tonight is filled with rage violence in the air children bred with ruthlessness because no one at home cares Tonight I lay my head down but the pressure never stops gnawing at my sanity content when I am dropped But 2morrow I c change a chance 2 build a new Built on spirit intent of Heart and ideals based on truth and tomorrow I wake with second wind and strong because of pride 2 know I fought with all my heart 2 keep my dream alive - 2PacMOTHER TO SON Well, son, I'll tell you: Life for me ain't been no crystal stair. It's had tacks in it, And splinters, And boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor— Bare. But all the time I'se been a-climbin' on, And reachin' landin's, And turnin' corners, And sometimes goin' in the dark Where there ain't been no light. So, boy, don't you turn back. Don't you set down on the steps. 'Cause you finds it's kinder hard. Don't you fall now— For I'se still goin', honey, I'se still climbin', And life for me ain't been no crystal stair. - Langston HughesSTILL HERE I been scared and battered. My hopes the wind done scattered. Snow has friz me, Sun has baked me, Looks like between 'em they done Tried to make me Stop laughin', stop lovin', stop livin'-- But I don't care! I'm still here! Langston HughesChanges may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests


Member Since: 4/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
- SaToE
Influences: LiFE
My FaMiLy, My GiRL, FRiENdS, n PeeRz

THe GReaTesT oF aLL TiME 2Pac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996 Rest in Peace

T-Roy & dHaRMa
Sounds Like: OuR MuTHaFuCCiN' SeLVeS.....H-I......

1.GeT mY MaMA a BeNZ
2.TaKE CaRE oF mY FaM
3.GeT LaW DeGReE 2 aCCoMPLiSh PReViOuS
4. MiKE & JuLi GRaD
5.SuSPecT BLoW uP
7.FuCK EvA MeNDeZ (WiSH mE LuCC)
9.GeT RiCH b4 i DiE
10. LiVE LiFE SMiLiN' & DiE WiT a GRiN
10a.MeeT JeSuS & 2PaC
Record Label: NoNE....So GeT aT Me
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Ten Rules To The Game1. M.O.B - money over bitches2. Keep It Real 3. Dont Snitch - a snitch is a fish with no fins that cant swim when i dump him in the river4. Never Hesitate - wars are lost when one...
Posted by SuSPecT TRuMPs....NEW SONGS on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 03:22:00 PST