SuSPecT profile picture


About Me

Alohaz wassup,,My name is Troy-James Ka'anoi Nihau,Im 27 years old,,, I live on the beautiful island of Hawaii. I enjoy,,Playing music such as Hawaiian,Reggae And Hip Hop. I love messing around in,, and around the ocean. I enjoy diving, (3 prong) and speargiun. I also enjoy running around on the rocks picking Opi'hi's,,,, And of course surfing bra. I'm just so proud to live in,, (in my opinion,lol.) one of the most beautiful places in the world. Hawaii Big Ups to da boiz,,U know how we do!!,,,,,,,,Stand em up! And for those who would like to know more about me,,,Try hit me up bra, we go kick back. Shootz Mahalo nui loa,,,Dharma-
I start off a kid, with the thought of hip hop being a means to feed a hungry stomach, But i had to start of running. I'm a lyrical starving fiend. A Dream to some, but to most a daily routine. Im in the hip hop for the love of it. Started of freestyling and now im a free a track. Im that African/Cuban cat trying to find the way. I was blessed with the name Dharma, Im just trying to live it.Trumps-
WuSuP eRyBoDY.... iT'z Trumps of SuSPecT.... i'M 19 & i'M a GeMiNi ( So i GuEss i GoT 2 SiDEz).... i live in HiLO now, but i'M from the WiLd WiLd WesT.... ThaT'z CaLiFoRNiA, OReGoN, WaSHiNGToN & HAWAi'i.... i Go 2 hAwAi'i CoMMuNiTy CoLLeGe EvEN THouGH i BaRELy WeNT 2 HiGH SCHooL (a couple months total).... i WaNNa GeT DeGReeZ iN JoURNaLiSM N LaW.... aLWayZ uP 4 a GooD ARgUMeNT...;)...i LoVE 2 WRiTe & iT DoN'T really MaTTeR WuT iT iS...LyRiCs, PoeMs, ESSays, SCRiPTs, DoN'T MaTTeR LiKe MuTHA FuCKiN' AkON SaiD... BEiNg CReATiVE iZ GReaT & i HaVE THe uPMoST ReSPecT FoR N E oNE DOiN So... PeoPle C mE n THeY AuToMaticaLLy PuT a LaBeL oN Me, AlThough they MiGHT have bEEn RiGhT b4 i AiNT THe SaME MaN/KiD Az I wAz.... iF uRE 1 of uM, My Finger iN THe MiDDlE SuMS uP WhaT i FeeL ABouT u.... YA'll CaN CaLL Me iGNoRaNT BuT 4.0'z SPEaK 4 THeMSeLvEz.... i ReaD a LOt, even Though i HavE SLoWeD DoWN, SHiT i ReaD ThE DicTiONaRy 2.... KNoWN 2 b WiTTy & CHaRMiN'.....hAhA LaDiES.... i LoVE MaKiN PeoPLe LauGH, iT'z SuCH a ReMeDY... AlTHouGH i DoN'T HaVE MuCH PaTiENTcE i FoRCe MySeLF to WAiT iT OuT... PEoPLe HaVE ToLD Me I GoT a SHoRT TeMPeR BuT i'M KooL WiT ERyONe LoNG aZ THeY KooL WiT Me.... i GuEsS i CaN GeT EMoTiONaL... i GuEsS THe RiGHT GiRL CoULD LEaSH Me but i AiN'T FaLLiN EaZy... Me N My GROuP SuSPecT CuMiN uP wE AiN'T GoT THe GaME oN LoCk YeT BuT TaLeNT iZ uNDeNiABlE.... i LoVE Me SuM TaTToo'Z oBViOuSlY.... i HaVe DReAMs n i aM NoT SToPPiN TiL i aCComPLisH wuT i SeT OuT 2 Do.... WHeN i Was A kiD i PRoMiSEd My MaMA tHaT i Was GoNNa GeT HeR a BENZ & i DoN'T GiVe a FuCk WuT i'M a GeT iT FoR HeR.... iT'Z aLL i PRoMiSeD MySeLF i'D Do, Get RiCH By ANy MeaNz.... iT'z CuZ 4 So LoNG aLL i KNeW waS PoVERTy.... ThRouGH My LiFE i'VE sEEN a LoT n DoNE a LoT, BeLiEvE ThaT.... i'M oNE oF THe MoST LoYaL GuYz YoU'll MeeT...ALWayZ DoWN 4 My HoMeBoY'z and My HoMEGiRL'z...4 ReAL THiS iS a FaCT.... i LoVE My FaM aNd CaN'T No BiTCh RePLacE My MaMA oR My SiSTeR.....kNoW THaT... To EvERY1 i LoVE...i C U....n Ya'LL kNOw i LuV Ya'LL... iF YoU WoNDeRiN BoUT N E THiNG ElSE, DoN'T Be SHy GeT @ ME...i'm MeRELy a PeRSoN JuST LiKe YoU.... N i DoN'T BiTE...i PRoMiSE (uNLEss YoU WaNT mE 2...LoL).... TRuMPs A.k.A. MR. TRuMPs TiGHT...n i'M oUT CuZZ
Satoe- ALOHA* My name is Satoe. I live in Hilo, HI. I like all kinds of music General I like dancin' Hula,sufing,&; playing muzic!! Music I like all kinds of REGGAE music; ROots,ska, rock steady,dance hall,one drop, lovers, foundation, &; etc. A makemake au mele Hawaii. Movies I love Lilo &; Stitch!!! Heroes Respect my family. Bob Marley,Lauryn Hill,Michael Jackson,and ko'u kumu Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests


Member Since: 21/11/2006
Band Members: DHARMA TRUMPS TROY SATOE and an occassional special guest.....

Myspace Layouts at / Red&black girl

Sounds Like: What you want to hear...LOL.....Come on like no other.
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Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog


1. Intro2. If It'z On, It'z On3. Rhyme WiT Me4. I Don't Wanna Go Home5. I'm Gonna Rob U6. Cruise Control7. Bubble Gum8. HiP-NoSiS9. We WiLL Overcome10. I'm A Pastor11. If I12. All I Ever Want13. Fly W...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 19:56:00 GMT