Will profile picture


us nice guys finish last because everyone else cheats to get there first

About Me

lets just get some things out of the way. first, i'm a videogame junkie and that's not going to change. i just finished AACC and transferring to UMD. i have a really vulgar sense of humor sometimes too.. now that's out the way, my name is Will. i'm 25. in case you're wondering, i'm mixed with white, black, filipino, and lots of other random stuff like irish, scottish, native american, creole, etc. i dont eat red meat, lamb, pork, etc. not because i'm vegetarian (i eat chicken and seafood), but because it either makes me sick or tastes blah. i like to have fun and party/go out but sometimes i prefer to just stay at home sometimes. i love to cuddle, i'll admit that, and I know the difference between that and snuggling. i've got like 300 movies, some i havent even seen, so needless to say i'm a big movie guy. i love to travel, i just got back from japan. i sort of play the guitar, can play a few songs, but im still learning. i like to drink, and i could drink you and your mom under the table, but im not an alcoholic or anything. i love cute things, i can cook, and im not gay. not that there's anything wrong with being so. i have a thing for red hair, green eyes, freckles (i love them, especially splashed across the nose), and tasteful piercings, but i don't really know where that stemmed from. i love the aquarium, and being on the water, but i don't like swimming in the ocean or pools. i have the attention span of a goldfish. i like shiny things. they distract me especially when im supposed to be doing something important. main reason why i like piercings so much is that they are shiny. i fix computers for a living, and i'm pretty darn good at it. im also a born empath and great listener and advice giver. i dont so much like ignorant, closeminded, arrogant, racist, stupid people. i guess you could say im not like the typical guy, i guess thats why ive got so many friends. i'm just me, even when that me is a random (at times), goofy one.

My Interests

in no order: freckles, eyes, travelling, piercings, redheads, videogames, computers, anime, traveling, sex, art, cooking, cute things, cuddling, snuggling, movies, fixing things, drinking, sleeping, boats, acting goofy, and my friends

I'd like to meet:

i've not had alot of luck with relationships as of late, but i would like someone who can keep my attention first of all. someone who is honest, whom i can trust, who understands me, and isn't afraid to let me see the real person they are. the person has to be goal oriented, aggressive in life, and have some sort of ambition. able tho hold a reasonably intelligent conversation and not afraid to argue and stand up for themselves is a good trait along with having some weird/strange/quirky/unique interests that can be shared. i just want a nice, cute girl that actually wants and has time for a great guy; the type that i can take home to mom, and not be a vortex for stress/drama.


i like everything, including music from around the world. way too many artists to list here, but i do especially like classic rock, punk, and 80s.


pretty much everything, any bad movie can be made better with the right person.


i don't watch alot of tv unless im bored, but i do watch heroes, lost, smallville, sopranos, family guy, war at home.


don't have much time to read but the last thing i've been reading have been the harry potter books.


christopher walken.

My Blog

i wish i wasnt here

I can't wait til I'm out of here.. If it wasn't for aacc i would've been gone earlier this year, as in last month. I really don't feel like MD is the right place for me, and I just keep getting more a...
Posted by Will on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 08:21:00 PST

cant wait for saturday!

I can't wait to go snowboarding with my friends this Saturday! It's one of those "lights at the end of the tunnel" from a long 2 weeks of not working. I'm gonna take a bunch of pics and can't wait to ...
Posted by Will on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 02:23:00 PST

Exercise update!

Started out the new year at around 216ish.. between 210 and 216.. its now Jan 12th and I am down to 207.5 as of yesterday.. my goal is to be around 190 and toned as a mofo.. hehe so thats the update i...
Posted by Will on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:39:00 PST

january the first in the year two thousand seven

for real this time, my goal is to get in shape for the new year.. like hardcore get in shape. im gonna take a picture of the old me, and have updates every month starting tomorrow! i had a fun fun new...
Posted by Will on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 05:42:00 PST

why im such a nice guy..

This shows why I'm such a great guy.. Honestly it doesn't really get me anywhere as I dont have girls beating down my door trying to find a nice guy like me, although it does make me happy that i was...
Posted by Will on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 10:47:00 PST

quarter life crisis

Well everyone who knows me knows that I get unhappy with things pretty quickly, depending on whether its my current situation, my life, my job.. whatever it may be.. you also know that Im in love with...
Posted by Will on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 06:39:00 PST

my wonderful xbox360.. pictures coming soon

ok so here i am at work.. i totally dismantled my xbox360.. i found the problem.. stupid cheap ass microsoft!! here comes somewhat technical jargon.. microsoft in their infinite wisdom, with regards t...
Posted by Will on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 09:07:00 PST

day 1 of who knows of working out towards my goals

day 1 of working out.. my starting point.. i think the scale was broken cause i kept shifting my weight or something but im around 180-190 like i thought i was.. so thats where i begin.. im lookin to ...
Posted by Will on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 06:55:00 PST

time to get in shape

Alright, it's time to get in shape.. I have started a diet, and I'm gonna start exercising.. probably not gonna join a gym yet.. not spending 50+$ a month for that. at least not yet.. but my low calor...
Posted by Will on Fri, 02 Dec 2005 12:25:00 PST

*ring ring*..."hello?".... " ".. "hello??".. "7 daysssss" *click*

So yea 7 days left in my employment to bestbuy.. off and on its been 5 years.. half a decade of my life has been at best buy.. actually 4 but i was practically working there when i wasnt official...
Posted by Will on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 06:25:00 PST