Zara profile picture


Lil z

About Me

What can i say.. I just kept growing and im 5'10 living in hampstead in london. I was at dance college but got injured :( and im now doing full time modelling for FM Model Management in Capital City.This is not what was planned and Im fighting all the stereotypes people have about this line of work..(starting with myself!!)..from leaving sixth form cos I got a scholarship for the good ol performing arts school in london and subsequently having to say goodbye to the millenium dance school and 16 years of dreams...ive become a more resourceful and independant 17 year old living in london..totally pay my own way and have met the most remarkable and talented people who share a love for art, fashion, design, creativity, composing and making music dance and first class perfomers...loving the highs and lows of city life! Miss the sun and sea back at home in dorset and guess part of me will always be a bournemouth gal at heart ;) I found my rollover effect at , They're awesome!
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My Interests

Making sense of all this...through the medium of the Arts,Philosophy,Music, Films, Theatre, Musicals, Art Galleries, Absorbing life in coffee Shops, Dancing, Performing,... u know how it is!ooh and i love strategy board boring am i?

I'd like to meet:

If I could reach into the past and go in to any setting in the world Id love to gather together all the poets artists writers activists comedians... maybe sort dinner parties with the virginia woolf,dali,bacon,monet, picasso, andy warhol, the bloomsbury set, satre and d'beauvoir, keats..yates... philip larkin,william blake, tennyson, roger mcgough,DH Lawrence,van gough sylvia plath and mary shelley alice walker jaqueline kay, ghandi, spike milligan..such great lives have been led and Im just searching for their footprints I enjoy travelling and the unique fact that we are all different and on our own unique journey trying to relate to each other and communicate something to be understood...


all sorts of music totally inclusive...Bowie,Belle and Sebastian,Brian Eno, Bolan, hazel oconnor, bauhaus, Kooks, Razorlight, Nick Drake,Morcheeba, Artic Monkeys, Velvet Underground, Smashing pumpkins,Libertines Air, The Strokes, ,Gomez,The Undertones,the buzzcocks, neil young,bob dylan, damien rice,Kanye West, Jay Z, Nas, Pharrell Williams, 2 pac, Biggy, Busta Rhymes, Jurassic Five, Chris Brown, Ne-yo, Mary J Blige, Rhianna, Bobby valentino, Eminem, BEP, Beyonce .. hip hop/r'n'b, and of course we love a bit of the Blazin Squad boys x


Crash,Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, The Hours,Withnail and I, Amelie,The Virgin Suicides,American Beauty,One Flew Over The Cookoos Nest,Wild at Weart, White Oleander, The Colour Purple,Sophie's Choice, Dead Poets Society, The Graduate,Educating Rita..Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Little Children,Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Kill Bill,The Hunger,Donnie Darko, The Lost Boys, Flatliners, Apocalypse Now, American history X, Saw 1 2 & 3 :-0, Happy Gilmore, The Notebook (not recommended to anyone who has recently been unlucky in love.. you'll cry ur heart out)..The Devil Wears Prada, and all dance classic films,Dirty dancing, Fame, Flashdance Save the last dance, Honey, You Got Served, Centre stage etc.


good old dramas, murder mysteries,all sorts of comedy..jam n jerusalam, little britain, trigger happy tv, the smoking room, league of gentlemen..


zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, on the road,catcher in the rye, down and out in paris and london,the bell jar, all nick hornbys stuff, the dice man, life of pi, one hundred years of solitude, the history man, George Orwell and thomas hardys stuff


ghandi, dalai lama, my mum