Mostly computers (I run my own e-mail and web servers out of my house).
I do listen to a lot of music and have finally finished pulling all my CDs into MP3 so I can listen to them wherever I want.
I watch a lot of movies when I'm not studying (I'm in school for an MBA right now) and some TV, but it's mostly limited to CMT and the Sci Fi channel.
For fun I read a lot. Again, mostly Science Fiction and Fantasy if it isn't a computer book. (Hmmm...Notice a theme here?)
If only one person: Jesus Christ
However, some people (living) I'd like to meet include:
George Strait
Collin Raye
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
Linus Torvalds
Stephen Hawking
The dead ones are a little trickier:
Rosa Parks
Thomas Edison
John Wayne
More to come later as I think of more people......
I listen to mostly country and western (like KUPL in Portland and KMPS in Seattle), although on occasion I listen to some rock and 80's style of music. I also enjoy listening to 60s style folk music.
I'm a big fan of Science Fiction and I'll throw a few out there. Of course, there are a lot of great films that I love:
Lord of the Rings
The Matrix
Independence Day
War Games
Forest Gump (Life is like a .....)
Yep, these are all in my collection. I use Tellico to manage my DVDs since t's a nice little program to help me track what I've got and what I've loaned out to friends. My collection is not REALLY large, but I've got about 100 films I've purchased over the years.
Some of my favorite authors include:
Anne McCafery
Andre Norton (Rest in peace)
Mercedes Lackey
Issac Asimov
Robert Heinlein
Arthur Clarke
I also read Technothrillers like:
Tom Clancy
Dale Brown
I'lll add more later, possibly with some links to their web-sites.
Hmm. I've had to think about that, and I'm not sure I've got a really good list. But here are some of the people I admire:
John Wayne (A man's Man)
Dean Martin (haven't you ever seen him in Rio Lobo or when teamed with Jerry Lewis?)
Sally Ride (of the Space Shuttle)
Chuck Yeager
and the members of our Armed Forces who've faced combat when doing what is right, or even when doing what needed to be done. Guys (and Gals) I salue you!