My Wonderful Man, My Fabulous Frinds, My Awesome Pets, Art (both making and studying), Animals, Nature, Books, Music, Learning new things, Exploring, The Renaissance and Renaissance Faires, Singing, Belly Dancing, Gardening, Giraffes, Travel, All things Irish (I even work for a company called Leprechaun!), Spending time with my Friends, Roller Coasters, The Mountians, Museums, History, Travel, The Outdoors, Theater, Movies, Jigsaw Puzzles, Costumes, Men In Kilts
Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics
These Fainting Goats are Hysterical... this condition does NOT hurt them!! If in doubt... see my blog!The following movie trailer is possibly the funniest one I have ever seen! I first saw it when we rented the movie "1408" and I actually laughed until I cried, so I decided to post it on here and share the laughs.... The only thing that could make it funnier in my opinion would be the tag-line "Every Scotsman's Worst Nightmare..." Enjoy!
Celtic music of all sorts from Trad to Rock. I love Seven Nations, the late Clandestine (Who I am VERY happy to say has reformed!!) and my dearly beloved, late great sorely missed Blarney Brothers. I also listen to the classic rock stuff I grew up with.
True Romance, The LOTR trilogy, PotC, Clerks, Labrynth, Dark Crystal, Thelma and Louise, Gone with the Wind, Pulp Fiction, Smoke Signals, The Lion King, Shrek (especially the 2nd one - I love Puss in Boots!), Slingblade,
Lost! - I am adicted! Grey's Anatomy, CSI, Ghost Hunters, Monk, Medium, Supernatural, Law and Order, NCIS, Bones, House and The Closer - so glad we have something to watch in the summer! As far as networks I like channels where I actually learn something like Discovery Channel, Hstory Channel, HGTV, A & E, Animal Planet etc. I have a DVR, and think they are the greatest invention ever! Now I can watch what I want, when I want and never have to miss a fave show or let the TV interfere with life!
The Mists of Avalon is my all time favorite book, although I love just about anything Autherian if it is written well. Mary Sterart's Merlin Trillogy is another fave. And of coarse the LOTR and th Hobbit. I grew up on the Narnia Chronicals and love them too. I am also a big Stephen King Fan, and have literally one entire bookshelf that is nothing but SK. I especially loved the Gunslinger series and was sad when I was done with them. I also Love Harry Potter - what can I say... they are good.... I was recently turned on to Phillipa Gregory who writes extremely good historical fiction which is one of my favorite genras. Who am I kidding?! I just LOVE books! Art Books, Fiction Books, History Books.... BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS!! My only true addiction.....
My special group of best gal pals. They know who they are ;-)