We dont give a damn argue about what things that are cool or what not because we have no problems looking at each person in their independent scene, do their own stuff. But its obviously in here and now. There have been so much things that we have done wrong in the past, personally, together. We looked back and thought... "what the hell were we doing anyway..huh!!! huh?? huh??...
...Its all had ended...
Formed as early as our independent day from form 5, longing and making noises around Perak, Kuala Lumpur and Johor lasts till the midst of 2006 and then with several problems and our commitment to studies, the band boys had made a round fair square triangle angular voices to give an 'arwah' to this band, a lot of things happen a lot of friends collaborates and supports,the marches the crazy fists are all the colours that fills up our journey, may all of u guys live in peace and luck be upon us in the future, maybe u can find us still in a different faces of bands or playing guitar alone haha..but music is what we crave for music is great dont judge it as a cruel thing for u urself is cruel by saying that, people dying to make music whilst what u do is only condemns, live long all of our einherjar Muga Selamat Dunia Akhirat, Amin. ...