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Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna play?

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Take the quiz:
How evil are you

Evil!!! you evil bad person u!!!
HAHAHAHA ur soooo evil... You are a evil little doll!! EVIL!!! hahahahahaha mwwwuaaahhaahhaha

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
What Movie Killer Are You? Pics:

I Am....Chucky From Child's Play! I kick ass at killing and i'm going to go down in history as the best killer ever!!!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
Which Horror Movie Killer Are You?

Your Chucky, the mischevious one of the bunch. You are very determined and open-minded. What you want your gauranteed to get it. You dont kill to kill your more strategic and have a purpose. You use anything you can to get the job done, becouse you can!!!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
Which character from a horror film are you?

EVERYONE MUST DIE!!!! You are a Chucky, a serial killer revived in the form of a doll. You love to kill and laugh when someone dies

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
Are You Bad, Evil or Devil himself?

You are the Ms Big!!! You have lot of supporters and you LOVE killing ppl.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
What kind of killer are you?

You are a freakin' phsyco!!
You kill assholes. Lots of assholes. Good for you.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!