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Let's Stop Waterborne diseases ... A quarter of the population of the world is without safe water and every eight seconds a child in the developing world will die from disease cause by unsafe water. Imagine that instead of having water on tap in your home, you have to walk miles each day to collect it. Imagine that when you reach the water source it is a muddy hole in a dried up riverbed. For over a quarter of the world’s men, women and children, this is reality.Image Search
Water borne bacteria and viruses are causing a global crisis. Diseases are becoming rampant with polluted water being the main culprit. Over two billion people worldwide cannot drink their water without becoming sick or even worse, dying. Klaus Topper, Director General of the United Nations program in Nairobi, Kenya stated future wars will be fought over supplies of drinking water. It may be the peace policy of the future. The organization calls for worldwide monitoring of drinking water reserves.Image Search
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Can you imagine walking for 3 hours to get a glass of drinking water? Can you imagine missing work because you have to spend your day collecting water for your family?Probably not. For most of us, the supply of water seems to be endless – we simply turn on the faucet any time of the day, any day of the year. But today, over 1 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water – that’s one in every six people. Each year, millions of children die unnecessarily due to a lack of clean water.HUMANITARIAN GROUPS WORK to help improve people’s access to clean water by building wells, repairing aging water systems and protecting underground springs in nations such Haiti, Liberia, Afghanistan, Laos, Sudan and East Timor, South America, Nepal, ... etc, etc...On World Water Day, it is important take some time to learn more about this crucial environmental issue. Tell your family and friends about the importance of conserving water and ensuring that everyone will have access to clean water in the future.Water FactsA child dies every 15 seconds from a preventable waterborne disease, higher than the rate of death from HIV/AIDS. More than half of the diseases in the world are caused by unclean water.In Somalia, only 23% of the population has access to safe water. In all of Africa, safe water is accessible to only half of the population.The task of collecting water most often falls on women and children, who must walk for hours to the nearest spring carrying buckets of water for daily use. This wastes valuable time that could be spent working or in school. Forty billion hours are spent collecting water every year in Africa alone.The water that is available is becoming increasingly polluted and the majority of the world has neither the technology nor the money to clean their water.In 2002, the World Summit on Sustainable Development set a goal to cut in half the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water by 2015. To reach this target, 280,000 people need to gain access to clean water every single day.Image Search
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Health must begin with safe drinking water for everyone...If your brother becomes poor, the scriptures say, and cannot maintain himself ... you shall maintain him .... You shall not lend him your money at interest, not give him your food for profit. Leviticus 25:35Image Search
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My daily wish is that we may See good in all those who pass our way;We pray for children Who sneak cookies before supper, Who erase holes in math workbooks Who can never find their shoesAnd we pray for those who stare at photographers from behind barbed wire who cant bound down the street in a new pair of sneakers who never "counted potatoes" who are born in places we wouldn't be caught dead who never go to the circus who live in an X-rated world.We pray for children who bring us sticky kisses & fistfuls of dandelions who's hug is in a hurry and forget their lunch money.We pray for those who never get dessert who have no safety blanket to drag behind them who watch their parents watch them die who cant find any bread to eat, to steal who don't have any rooms to clean up whose pictures aren't on any body's dresser whose monsters are realWe pray for children who spend all their allowance before Tuesday who throw tantrums in the grocery store & pick at their food who like ghost stories who shove dirty clothes under the bed and never rinse out the tub who get visits from the tooth fairy who don't like to be kissed in front of the carpool who squirm in church or temple & scream in the phone whose tears we sometimes laugh at and whose smiles can make us cryAnd we pray for those whose nightmares come in the daytime who will eat anything if at all who have never seen a dentist who aren't spoiled by anybody who go to bed hungry and cry themselves to sleep who live and move but have no beingWe pray for children who want to be carried and for those who must for those we never give up on and for those who don't get a second chanceFor those we smother... and for those who will grab the hand of anybody kind enough to offer it.