Writter/Composer/Singer/Poet/Drawer/Ne en 1979 dans le Kentuky, traverse un moment difficile lors de son adolescence au mexique, mais triomphe du mal dès 1995-96, notamment en se passionnant pour l'astronomie et plus particulièrement pour les étoiles de type WOLF RAYET. Des lors il suit un berger du nom de Paul qui lui enseignera l'art de manier le couteau.
Travaille actuellement sur un deuxieme album et compose des chants incas très tristes et fascisants à souhait pour l'art dégénéré de Cyprien Gaillard.
------------------------Massive stars, such as the Wolf-Rayet stars, are very rare (one in 10 million) and differ from our Sun in several important ways. These heavy-weight stars live relatively short but very intense lives. They have very strong stellar winds, about 10 billion times stronger than the solar wind. The solar wind can sometimes be noticed on Earth when it creates the northern lights or disrupts radio communications, but it has very little direct effect on the sun's evolution. The winds from massive stars are so substantial that matter from the stars is carried away by the wind; they are kind of evaporating as we watch.------------------------------------------------------
----------The Great Teotihuacan Empire
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extrait de l'oeuvre Desniansky Raion de Cyprien Gaillard, courtesy of Cosmic galeryHeavy Metal Valley
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